9.03 reaction/review

Oct 23, 2013 22:05

When that episode finished the first words out of my mouth were "well, that sucks".

I was specifically referring to the final scene but actually it sums up how I felt about most of that episode I'm afraid.

All I really need to say is "Brad Buckner & Eugenie Ross-Leming". As soon as I saw those writers names I worried what kind of episode we might be in for. They lived up to my opinion of them unfortunately. (I am still down on them for Taxi Driver).

It doesn't help that I didn't find the episode particularly interesting - but I can let that go because I'm not going to find every episode interesting. And that's cool. It's more that there were too many dumb things in it.

The thing that bugged me MORE THAN ANYTHING was Dean not knowing "It's a Wonderful Life". A small characterisation issue, but come on! This is the man who practically talks in movie quotes (with often random character references - "Katniss" last week, for example) and he didn't know who Clarence was? Dean would not only know that movie he would love it! (Surely it's one of the most famous Christmas movies ever?!) I was pretty forgiving of things up until that point and then I was grumpy. Which probably effected how I viewed the rest.

There were some things I liked so I'll mentioned those before mentioning the stuff that annoyed me.

As much as I'm not a huge Cas fan, it was actually a couple of his scenes I liked the best (I know!). I was specifically moved when Cas was looking in the bin of food and mentioned the waste. I felt Misha's heart in that line and it made me sad. As did that lovely long shot of him on the street. I figured the approach to Cas this season would be him discovering what all angels seem to not know and that is what it means to be human. It could be a nice development that Cas actually becomes the "important" angel he wants to be by teaching/showing other angels what it is to be, well, a "proper" angel. And yay - no comic relief. Some amusing moments, but not over the top.

Dean's look of utter glee at Cas having sex made me smile. It was almost like he was proud. His angel is growing up (which lines up with my feeling below that Dean and Cas are more like father and son at the moment). The fact that Cas has been married in the past - and probably had sex, has been forgotten by all I think. AND the fact that Cas had sex with an angel vessel wouldn't have crossed his mind.

Sam got Dean food and pie. That's always nice.

Dean in dressing gown. Comfy Dean is nice also.

Dean picked Sam over Cas - I have extremely mixed feelings about this but it is a brother moment that's worth mentioning (though Dean picking Sam over anybody isn't a surprise any more. It just is). More on this later.

Sam's pink shirt. It's was just so loud, it made me smile.

Bat cave. Also great to see the cave.

Um...that's it I'm afraid. So turn back now if you don't want to hear all the bits I was grumpy with.


I have been extremely forgiving of what Dean did in order to get Sam well. It's all part of that messed up crazy love and I love the complexity of that issue. But now it's just plain creepy and feeling more wrong to me. Last week I was ok that Sam was out of it when Zeke appeared. Sam's life was in danger and there was no other option. But now Zeke is coming out either when he feel like it, or when Dean asks him to. Sam is being used and I have to say I felt pretty uncomfortable about that. Of course, this may well be adding to the upcoming story line so I'll be patient to see how that pans out (especially with Sam making comments like "body snatchers").

Why is Dean being so trusting of Zeke? It makes no sense now. Sam is clearly much better (up early, eating and running etc) so why the hell would he a) not tell Sam about Zeke and b) kick Cas out on Zeke's say so. I can only think that Sam really isn't well enough (though how does Dean know that?!) and Zeke has to stay there. I get he can't yet but I want to believe it but seeing it. Zeke had enough juice to bring Cas from the dead, so he seems plenty powerful and could probably leave Sam - or at least that should be questioned by Dean.

Dean is getting pretty comfortable with lying to Sam now. He's not great at it (never been great at lying to Sam), but he doesn't seem too concerned about what's going on with him. I am blaming this on either Jensen being poorly directed (and therefore not bringing out those conflicting nuances he did in the first two episodes) or Dean is actually feeling ok about what he's done. I liked that we could see conflict last week. It was almost a joke to bring Zeke out - and I was quite shocked that Dean did that actually. It all just felt tasteless to me (I'm ready now for Sam to be thoroughly pissed at Dean for this treatment).


Sam confused me. Zeke takes over with absolutely no after affects. He's feeling great and not questioning why (Sam would!) and surely he'd be experiencing time lapses (Ok, maybe not but Zeke popping in and out whenever they need a problem solved will get pretty boring after a while I think).

I feel like Sam wasn't in that episode much so there wasn't much to go on. And I'm not going to read too much into this for Sam or Dean - I just don't trust these two writers enough.

I like Jared's Zeke. He's clearly not Sam. Though I'm not sure if the sincerity is something Jared is bringing to the character (can he even help those puppy eyes?!) or if we are meant to be interpreting that as Zeke really being honest.


Some nice moments and I like seeing Misha without all the layers. Though what's with all the shirtlessness lately? Not complaining, but seems we're making up for lack of it over the years in 2 episodes. :)

Cas really is a child isn't he? He seems full of wonder and really hasn't a clue about humans (I'll *handwave* the fact that he should know them very well) - he's being completely trustworthy and still saying things that he should know humans won't understand. But, I'll accept that as part of the story telling.

When April kissed Cas after such a short time I figured she was an angel (hoped she was as it wasn't making any sense if she wasn't). But then when they had sex and we find out she is a possessed person I was sad. The vessels are being treated so badly lately and this episode was particularly horrible for that. Sure she said yes, but I'm sure she didn't say yes to having sex. Which I'd say was the whole point if I thought they'd even considered that. If they were doing that to raise the issue of what vessels are agreeing when they say yes, I would be cool with it (and if they linked it to what's happening to Sam). Maybe they will later, but clearly this was not the episode for that.

Also - did we ever find out how April found Cas? Just by chance? Probably.

I found Cas's torture particularly difficult. Him being so childlike made me feel like a child was being tortured.

Sam and Dean finally meeting up with Cas was fine. And seeing Cas as such a young human makes me see the way Dean looks at him as a father would to a son. When I think of their relationship like that it makes more sense to me. Dean clearly loves and cares for Cas and seeing the way he responded to Cas having sex with April confirms that for me. That family bond is getting clearer.


Have we ever been told why angels are such douche bags? With the angels being as evil as demons we may as well just have demons. The girl's body exploding was pretty horrible. Though I think it was an attempt to a) show us how angels are managing to get vessels so easily and b) that humans are expendable and c) angels (in the spn 'verse) are dicks!

Which leads me back to the question - why is Dean trusting Zeke so easily? Does he even know ANY "good" angels?

Other stuff

That final scene.

So. Cas has been missing. Dean (and Sam) have been very worried about him. They find him and know what a horrible time he has had. Show tells us (and tells us and tells us) that Cas is family. That Dean "needs" him. That they are friends. Then on the say so of an unknown angel Dean tells Cas he has to leave. Oh yeah...that makes complete sense. NOT! Especially when we see Cas so helpless and obviously needing their help. I would have at least liked to have seen more of a fight from Dean. That's not to say I'm desperate to have Cas live in the bat cave with them for ever (and for story telling purposes they not only need Cas away from them but they also need to create that drama), but at least have Dean question Zeke more over it (please, show don't make Dean dumb over this!).

Of course, this could make some sense if Sam questions the hell out of Dean's decision in the next episode and Sam starts to query what's going on with Dean. If it's brushed over I'll...dammit, I'll be back to being pissed at show (Unless Zeke is somehow changing Sam and is deliberately dumbing him down...).

ACK! So messy! And I can't tell if that's plot driven (Sam's slowly changing and Dean starts to finally question what Zeke's motivations are) or is just bad writing. I'm tempted to think the latter purely because of those writers.

And what they hell is with the rogue reapers? (Oh that's right - use them when you can't think of what else to use). Why no just use another angel anyway (did I miss something there?).

Watching Dean and Sam torture someone is not cool (I know they are tough hunters but it's still hard to watch). And wasn't he a reaper? (so not a human vessel?) So reaper's can be killed with an angel blade? Which means they are no different to angels. *head scratch*

This might be an episode I will look back on and it will make more sense. Maybe I was just a bit grumpy after the Clarence moment. It might not be as annoying as I first believed it was. I accept that not all episodes can focus on Sam and Dean - or have interesting MoTW. The douchy angels are just not that interesting to me (Bart reminded of Brady and I wasn't fond of him either). This ep is part of the myth arc so maybe they're just setting up stuff for future eps. *nods* I'll go with that.

Grump grump!! I'm so sorry. I think I'm just needing a good old fashioned MoTW episode. :))

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