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Comments 49

el1ie October 22 2013, 11:30:31 UTC
Great to see this posted, it's emotionally devastating as show often is, but you've woven some gorgeous images with you're magical talent into a beautiful vid. Excellent work and I know this is going to be a Sam standard for a long time to come.



ash48 October 22 2013, 11:39:56 UTC
Thank you so much honey. That's quite a thing to say. <3

I think this really helped me accept that they took these boys to a very dark and messed up place. I can't forgive them for much of what they did in S8 but I can try and make sense of it and embrace it as part of canon now (there was also a lot I loved and I cling on to that).

Thanks again for your valuable feedback. I liked being able to put into words what this meant to me. <33


cassiopeia7 October 22 2013, 12:06:06 UTC
You already know how much I love this vid, so I'll just . . . *hugs*

it's not about me looking down on the character but rather presenting a Dean that Sam was thinking about when he entered the confessional.

TBH, I'm kinda sad that you felt the need to explain that, as it's pretty clear what was going on. You know how big of a Dean!girl I am, and I got it right away. Then again, I'm also a brothers!girl . . . and fandom is fandom, so I guess I understand after all why you did.

more about how their love damages them

There really are more holes (or "scars," as you say) in these poor guys' hearts because of LOVE, than any demon ever put there.

Beautiful vid, bb, just beautiful. You legit made me cry. Thanks for sharing this beauty with us.

*goes off to cry some more*


ash48 October 22 2013, 12:34:54 UTC
*hugs* honey. Thank you so much for your lovely words and encouragement. As much as I'm not happy it made you cry - I am glad you felt the emotion. <333

I'm kinda sad that you felt the need to explain that

Hee...maybe I'm getting a little more paranoid the longer I'm in fandom. ;) I was quite concerned when I was making this how I representing Dean - but when I got inside Sam's head this is what came out. I love Dean DEARLY! And as much as I am unhappy that they took the boys to those places, I can't deny I love the angst of it all. :)

Thanks again sweetie. Your words mean a lot to me. <33


kazluvsbooks October 22 2013, 12:11:49 UTC

That was great,Ash..you really brought how Sam was "feeling" just by showing us..and it was SAD!!

Great song too!


ash48 October 22 2013, 12:37:04 UTC
Thanks hun! Poor Sammy and his bucket load of angst. :(



antrazi October 22 2013, 12:19:36 UTC
Great vid, but whew! What a surprise compared to your last vids


ash48 October 22 2013, 12:42:48 UTC
Yeah - after making a few lighter vids I felt the urge to get all angsty. ;)

Thank you. <3


bowtrunckle October 22 2013, 13:48:16 UTC
Oh God. Sam. I feel like you incorporated every emotionally significant scene in 8 seasons of Sam Winchester and rolled into a vid. \o/ The song was amazingly spot on, and I liked how you chose to interpret it (sometimes angsty vids interpreting lyrics literally can boarder on melodramatic). I esp. liked all the lost romantic interests (JESS!!!!SARAH!!!!!!!). Before I read your notes I was thinking that one could write a big, fat meta just on this vid, so it's nice to hear that you have a lot of thoughts on it. :)


ash48 October 22 2013, 23:11:10 UTC
Thank you so much! I have so many thinky thoughts on all of this - even the small stuff like how each of them provides a reflection of the other. Much of how they see themselves and how they judge themselves comes from their brother. We so often see how much that actually hurts them - not the good it does (though there's obviously lots of good too..;D).

And I gotta give a shout out to counteragent for the lost love section. she mentioned doing a section on the ladies and leapt at the idea. I tend to remember Ruby and Jess mostly, but I think after what happened to Sarah she has created another scar for him. Then it made more sense to me that he would end up rejecting Amelia thinking he'll probably screw her life up as well (not that show played it that way, but I like that idea).

Thanks so much for your lovely comment. <3


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