Stuff worth checking out...

Oct 12, 2013 20:54

You've probably seen this podcast recced around the place. It's for a good reason. It's awesome!

Aisha Tyler - Jared Padalecki - Girl on Guy

It's is a highly entertaining and interesting chat between Aisha and Jared. It's almost like you are eavesdropping on their conversation. It's so casual and candid. Aisha is absolutely delightful - she's a mix of squeeing fangirl and professional colleague.

There's a great bit about auditioning that reminded me why I didn't pursue my (once) dream of being an actress. The auditioning process is a nightmare, so it great hearing about Jared's and Aisha's experiences with it. I also love the section on being famous - and how to not be a douche if you are.

But my FAVOURITE is Aisha's acknowledgement that the reason she loves it is because of the brothers and their relationship (which..YEAH..we know that but it's great hearing it in the interview :D). That whole chat (which goes on for a while) is fantastic - so passionate. There's talk about fanworks (and slash!) and it's not at all squicky.

But THIS!! THIS THIS...(at -42.38):

Aisha: The other thing I love about the show is that there is honestly, truly very few television shows or even creative projects about the interior life between men.

BINGO!! I love the show for so many reasons but I think if I had to put one thing on the very top of my list it would be this. I love that we get to watch heaps and heaps of moments and issues and drama between men. And not just Sam and Dean - there are heaps of other male relationships explored (though, for me, that's the relationship I am most invested in). That's not to say I don't love stories between women or between men and women but there are so few shows that almost exclusively focus on this interior life between men.

If you have the time I really recommend a listen. It's funny, informative and full of love and passion.

9.01 is still mulling around in my brain. I've had some wonderful discussions about it (thank you!) and I have to say I am even more excited about it - and the season. I can't wait to see 9.02 just to see what direction they are planning to take with it all. (And I'm trying to remain as spoiler free as I can now...;D)

bertee has posted a wonderful recap/review on the episode. (sorry, just realised it's friend's locked). It's funny and insightful (and positive). One thing that particularly grabbed me was the reminder that this show is horror. What happened in 9.01 has some great horror elements and if they play this right we could have some very creepy scenarios.

counteragent and created a fabulous introduction to her fan film The Other Side. Even if you haven't see the film (what? why not!?) you should check this out. It's great vidding, writing and performing. And it gives you some interesting insight about the making of the film.

While you're over there, also check out her 9.01 comment fic meme. I've been VERY lucky and had two prompts filled and they are GREAT! \o/ (eta: there's some awesome unfilled prompts over there dying for a story...)


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