Did you all see this amazing thing...

Aug 13, 2013 20:43

This is on tumblr hereI've uploaded the images here because I NEED these stats on my journal. I can't get over the amount of work that would have gone into researching all this stuff. And then making all the cool graphics. This fandom can be batshit crazy (and yeah, I gotta say I'm seeing it now that I'm hanging around tumblr more) but wow, ( Read more... )

squee, fandom, rec

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Comments 22

amberdreams August 13 2013, 13:00:20 UTC
Bwhahahaha yes that IS batshit crazy but you know what, I'm still reading it and going - hey! would you look at that, they hardly checked anything out at all in Season 2...

And now I'm going to share this too. Spread the crazy...


ash48 August 13 2013, 13:09:00 UTC
ha! I just changed that sentence because I didn't want to imply that the person who made this was in any way crazy. I mean...hee...maybe geeky crazy (yay!), but not the batshit crazy that I have been witnessing over there (*koff* like being told that wincest has nothing to do with sex for example...). But this! This is just down right incredible! \o/



callistosh65 August 13 2013, 14:07:32 UTC
It's quite incredible, isn't it? I can only imagine the hours of work that went into it.


ash48 August 14 2013, 07:58:51 UTC
It really is. I would love to know how long all this took.


ayane42 August 13 2013, 15:13:26 UTC
yeah, i saw this and at first i just scrolled on by, but then i read it and wow!!

the amount of time it would have taken to gather that data and make the cool graphics...we have some awesome people in this fandom!!


ash48 August 14 2013, 08:11:54 UTC
Yeah - it takes a moment to stop and read all the info. The first time around a missed quite a bit of the smaller pieces of info.

Also - I want to add "how many motels they stayed in"...;)


jessm78 August 13 2013, 15:16:20 UTC
Whoa, those are really awesome! *grins* I noticed how many times Dean says "Sammy" in S2 - and all the hugs in S8!

These are really amazing :D


ash48 August 14 2013, 08:12:24 UTC
I know right!? :)


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 August 14 2013, 08:15:59 UTC
I think with the hugs it not just the ones between Sam and Dean. Probably either ALL hugs or ones at least between Sam and/or Dean.

Check out the hug stats on superwiki" :))


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