New Vid: Walking on Sunshine

Aug 25, 2009 16:03

For maichan808 because she makes me smile too.

Title:: Walking on Sunshine
Vid by: Ash48
Song by Katrina and the Waves
Category: J2 (gag reels) feel good love
Warnings: Spoilers for S4 gag reel and some dubious lyric interpretations (as usual).
Length: 1.50m
Size 14.4mb
Summary: The reason the boys have so much fun on the set of Supernatural is because they ( Read more... )


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Comments 90

el1ie August 25 2009, 11:40:59 UTC


I don't know about anyone else, but I'll be watching this FAR longer than the official gag reels, your timing here is just awe inspiring, I mean I smile and laugh during the gag reels but THIS? This makes me just jump up and down with GLEEE!

Marvellous vidding hon - GAH - just wonderful


ash48 August 25 2009, 23:09:17 UTC
\O/ Yay Ellie!!

Thanks so much hun! I'm SO glad you enjoyed it and thank you for such a lovely comment! :D :D



maychorian August 25 2009, 13:03:00 UTC
So adorable! I had a big, big grin for the whole thing. I really needed that, thank you.


ash48 August 25 2009, 23:09:52 UTC
Thank you so much! :D Glad it made you smile! :)


stir_of_echoes August 25 2009, 13:08:08 UTC
Hee! This vid makes me happy in the face, so much fun :)


ash48 August 25 2009, 23:10:43 UTC
Oh sweetie! Thanks so much.... glad it made you happy in the face! Hee! :D :D


(The comment has been removed)

ash48 August 25 2009, 23:12:13 UTC
Hee! Thanks SO much darlin'!

I love how you caught the ways they are practically one goofy person from spending so much time together.

I know! It's like they're joined at the hip! I love 'em.

Thanks so much for your lovely comment.


starrylizard August 25 2009, 13:31:42 UTC
heheheh! I love the behind the scenes with these guys! Thanks for the giggle! :)


ash48 August 25 2009, 23:13:17 UTC
Thanks hun!! (I always look forward to the gag reels and behind the scene stuff)..

Thanks for popping by... (hm..... 80's, fun/happiness....????)....


starrylizard August 26 2009, 07:27:30 UTC
I'd go with whichever one you're least likely to do for a while. Maybe 80's since fun/happiness leave you with more scope for futrure vids? Up to you. :D


ash48 August 26 2009, 10:05:55 UTC
Hey - that's what I'm thinking too....

Um... while I'm here.... I will post it to the comm - but what do peps generally do at their own journal? Does it get linked somehow to the table.

I am so sorry for my ignorance. I've checked some others out, but I can't see that they do anything special. Maybe just tag the vid with the comm name??


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