Spoilery chat...

Aug 02, 2013 21:21

So. For a change, I thought I'd talk about Supernatural - because, you know, I CAN'T HELP MYSELF!

I've been checking out all the spoilers because I NEEDS to know stuff!

To be honest there hasn't really been anything that earth shattering or (too!) controversial. Nothing quite like last year's..."Sam doesn't look for Dean because...you know...he finally had a chance at a normal life..." (whaaaaaa!!!)

Instead we've got...

Confirmation that the boys will be on the same page - that they'll be working together. The brothers chose each other at the end of S8 and that's where it'll be picked up. But not without serious consequences.

I gotta say I'm pretty happy about this - mostly that we won't be leaping ahead 4 months (or a year!) and we see that Sam somehow is healed and the trials (the effect they had on Sam and that the Winchesters failed to do something that would have potentially benefitted the world) meant nothing. Instead it'll not only mean something it will be driving the beginning of the season. \o/

Something that did create a bit of a stir (from what I've seen) is the reveal that Dean will be keeping a secret from Sam. It seems like it will be a pretty big secret and one that may cause issues down the track for them.

I'm not worried about this I have to say. There's always been something going on between them. I know "secrets" can be a little frustrating and surely the brothers have learned that it's not a good idea to keep them - but they usually exist because one is protecting the other in some way. Or one doesn't what the other to know their true feelings - it would mean exposing a weakness. Until we actually know what this secret is I don't think we can spend too much time complaining about it. I am so damn curious though! I hope it's awesome! (can it beat Dean having to kill Sam from S2?!)

I admit that the main reason I'm trolling spoilers is to know what they plan to do with Cas. I fluctuate between being a little bit excited about the possibilities of him being human and being terrified that I'm going to hate what they do with him.

I am working really (really!!) hard to just accept that he'll be around a lot in S9 (and probably until the end of the series) and trying to not let that get me down. I desperately want to like him and I know that so much of that will depend on what direction they'll take this season. From what I've heard I think he'll be the comic relief for a bit (discovering eating and toilets and washing etc) and that might be fun - as long as they don't drag the joke on for too long. I actually really love to see him develop into a solid 3 dimensional character - a strong, independent character who maybe starts to discover something in him that will one day make him a better angel.

No doubt the Winchesters will have a hand in helping him be human, but I hope that he doesn't end up following them around like a lost puppy. I dunno. TBH, I'm not sure exactly what I really want to see (except some more Sam and Cas moments would be kinda nice and maybe Cas discovering what it means to be love is. I really liked the Meg and Cas moments in the past so I think Cas finding earthly love would be interesting. And why do I think that Cas will reeeeaally like sex?! ;) (do we have issues with Jimmy being trapped inside Cas? If Cas has sex is that non consensual use of Jimmy's body?...*sore head*)

I read that it will be more character driven this season. That's both good and...er worrying. I really don't watch the show for major character story lines (I has enough of the soap at the beginning of last season). I like that it's a genre show and I want it to continue to be driven by MoTW stories. I still want action, mysteries and adventure (and blood splatters!), interwoven with some small (but strong!) character scenes.

That's not to say that I don't want strong character arcs (and not just from Sam and Dean) that carry through the whole season. I want something that they do in the beginning of the season to mean something by the end (compared to S8 where we had two separate halves). I wants lessons to be learned and discoveries to be made, but not at the expense of good story telling.

We'll learn more about the Men of Letters (yay!) and see some old characters return.

The return of Bobby puzzles me I have to admit. I'm not unhappy about it, but it feels like some sort of reset. A bit like...ooh, we really didn't mean (or want) to get rid of Bobby, we only did that for the emotional drama. We did that, so now let's bring him back. Seems strange so I hope they do it well.

Everybody interviewed seems pretty pumped and excited about the season - Jared particularly. He was practically jumping out of his seat wanting to give us information about what's going on with Sam. He keeps saying the fans are going to love it. This will either mean Jared knows what fans love (and I have no idea how, considering how different we all are!) or he only thinks he knows what we like seeing (not Sam as "other" pleeeasse...).

The only other thing I'm hoping for is something interesting to be happening for (or to) Dean. Perhaps something outside Cas or Sam. I'm not sure what, but just something. Something that tests Dean (and Jensen!).

Only 2 more months to wait! The fact that that seems like a long time means I still damn invested in this damn show.

s9 musings, spoilers

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