Jun 05, 2013 17:44

Ok. So..OMG OMG because...because

OMG! They're remaking The Tomorrow People!!!!! \o/\o/\o/

*deep breath* So, here's the thing. The original Tomorrow People was like my FAVOURITE SHOW IN THE WORLD when I was growing up. I WAS ADDICTED! (ha! nothing new it would seem). It would probably be the first show I "fanned" (along with Dr Who). I imagined all sorts of scenarios in the show and if there had been such a thing as an online fandom I would have been THERE! CRAZY LOVE for it. As a kid I loved the story of a "secret" race of future humans with cool abilities who looked out for each other (lots of bromance too! :D)

Check out the early titles. SO COOL! (well, dated - but cool. It was made in the '70s after all). That music brings back so many memories. *happy sigh*

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ARGHHHH!!! Mark Pellegrino is in it and he's EVOL!!!! \o/ Stephen was always my favourite character but I can see lots of other characters that may fast become my favs! I may be jumping the gun, but DAMN!! Hello new fandom if this hooks me like the old one did! \o/ (ha! And no, it's not the bondage in the first few seconds of the trailer that has me so excited. Well...not much..;D)


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