spn_batcave is officially open for business! \o/ This means you can cross post all those yummy Bat Cave fics (and artwork, recs, meta etc)
A new community hosting fanworks inspired by the Winchester's new home base, The Bat Cave
If you'd like to help us spread the word here's the pimping codes:
http://spn_batcave.livejournal.com" target="_blank">http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a63/Elliepdowd/batcave%20graphics/456d69cb-6a9e-4b12-8ea7-3c1b1110548d_zps65840e12.jpg" title="" />
A new community hosting fanworks inspired by the Winchester's new home base, The Bat Cave Heartfelt thanks to the lovely
el1ie for all her help and making it look so awesome. Without her this would never have happened! *HUGS*
Thanks for the encouragement guys! Now go and join, pimp and post! <333