Coupla recs

Feb 02, 2013 22:20

Some must see posts...

The lovely deirdre_c has made (another) vid made of awesome. This time in the form of Winchester clothes...;) Winchesters' Thrift Shop GO GO! (I know you don't need me to tell you that!). So much fun. Hilarious and great editing.

And the super fab galwithglasses has made two delightful picspams: D is for Dean and S is for Sam So much love! And I just love ALL the words and caps she's found. GO GO!

Me: I'm trying to catch up on stuff around the place. I'm about to fall head long into a mini nightmare at work (what a mess it all is /o\), so I might be somewhat distracted the next couple of weeks. Though NOTHING will distract me from the next ep. SO SO excited for it.


picpam rec, vid rec

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