Stuffity stuff...of the TV variety

Jan 30, 2013 23:20

Dammit! I am in the mood for staying up all night and reading my flist pages and talking about STUFF and getting excited about tomorrow's ep (yes, I'm being cautiously excited!!) but it's my first day back at work tomorrow so..... BOOOOOO - back to being disciplined and going to bed earlier and not drinking quite as much..../o\

So just a few comments about TV stuff:

HOMG I'm SO loving season 2 of Haven! Just watched 2.03 and...WOW! There's so much intrigue so far this season. Loving it!

My sister has recced Justified to me. She said..."there's a guy in it that looks like one of the guys in the show you like a lot"...hmmm... I thought she meant looks like Jared but I think she means Jensen? Hee...though I don't just watch shows because of the ways the guys look...;)

White Collar is back YAY! I'm loving the direction this is taking. So much emotion in the last ep I just wanted to hug Neal to pieces. And El is FAB!

It was sad to see Leverage finish. I really enjoyed that show. Great characters. They were in rather average stories most of the time but their bond and sense of family really made that show great.

Loving Arrow!!! I'm surprised how much I enjoy it actually. I seem to have a girl crush on Katie Cassidy (maybe not surprising since I crushed on Shawn Cassidy in my WHOA...;D. I really like the balance between action, story, relationships and BUFF! (and yeah, ok... lots of bromance and shirtless guys...seems there's lots aspects I can enjoy about this show..;D).

Looking forward to Game of Thrones returning. And, um..Teen that due back soon? I rather think I might have to take another look....

white collar, leverage, arrow, tv

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