Finally had a chance to watch 8.08 :))

Dec 01, 2012 17:58

Wow, what a mess.

And I don't mean that in a negative way. ;D

Let us be messes together. )

s8 reaction, s8 musings, not!meta

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Comments 48

alienat December 1 2012, 10:45:05 UTC
I can only nod and agree with everything you said. Once again you did it so much more eloquent than I did. :)


ash48 December 1 2012, 10:54:56 UTC
Aww, thank you hun. I think I write far too much but I had lots of thoughts about this one. ;)

Oooh and speaking of eloquent - reminds me to leave a comment on a fic of yours I just finished. :))


elsewhere91 December 1 2012, 11:38:51 UTC
I'm starting to get really confused about Sam's flashbacks. At first i was 100% sure that the flashbacks were real but as we get more and more Sam's flashbacks i've become 50% certain they are real and what we are seeing is what we're getting and 50% that something more is going on. I mean there are either so many coincedences (if they are real)or mirrors of reality (if they aren't) in the flashbacks: Amelia drinking like Dean and being like Dean, Don and Dean's name sound familair, Sam and Amelia have the same stories, Don is alive and Dean is alive, Amelia's dad opening up beer bottles like Dean and loads more ( ... )


ash48 December 1 2012, 13:21:28 UTC
Yeah - I have a feeling it's either much more complicated than what we are seeing or it's as simple as ...this is it. I think they are using all those things (the beer bottle opening etc.) as just a way to work in the dialogue and make connections to what Sam is going through. I might be wrong of course - there might be something other going on but I have a feeling that it's all about Sam burying himself in this dreamworld (so many references to that in this episode) in order to cope with his loss. Not sure I buy that but until see get the rest I will hold on.

I certainly hope there's still more to Sam's year. There feels like there has to be because there are still so many questions to be answered. My hope is that by 8.10 we have something more concrete.

I'm so confused but i love how this season is making me thinkYeah - I think that might be my favourite thing so far. Lot's of thinkies! And some awesome chat ( ... )


borgmama1of5 December 1 2012, 12:09:57 UTC
To me it felt like the case was filler to getting Sam's story through his flashbacks.

Still can't figure how it's going to play out, though.


ash48 December 1 2012, 13:35:31 UTC
Hmmm...yeah. Sam's flashbacks were certainly the main attraction and the MotW supported that. Cas too I think.

Hee...which means I didn't need to write all that up actually. Perhaps you said it all in I sentence. :)

I too have no idea how they are going to play this all out - I do hope they have a master plan.


galathea_snb December 1 2012, 12:40:13 UTC
I can't tell if this is a deliberate indication that his flashbacks are in his head and never really happened (Lucifer or "other" induced maybe?) or if it's a brilliantly subtle gesture that shows how Sam is feeling at this moment.

I agree, Sam touching his hand in that manner was a rather brilliant and exciting moment. ♥ Also, the fact that they constantly emphasised during the flashbacks how messy Sam and Amelia's shared life is reminded me of Hello, Cruel World, where Hallucifer told Sam that his hallucinations had to be a mess or Sam wouldn’t believe that it was his life. Man, I would be really thrilled if the Sam/Amelia storyline would link back to Sam's hallucinations in S7, but somehow I doubt it will. I mean, there is enough evidence that Amelia is in fact real, so I think the writers simply want to torture us with all that potential. /sigh


ash48 December 1 2012, 13:46:51 UTC
Oh yes yes. I don't think they are going to be linking this to Lucifer but maybe they are drawing parallels because all this is about what's happening in Sam's mind.


where Hallucifer told Sam that his hallucinations had to be a mess or Sam wouldn’t believe that it was his life.

is great. I think I'd friggin' DIE if they brought in Sam's hallucinations. I was never satisfied with that resolution so revisiting that would be awesomesauce. Even getting this little connection was pretty darn exciting.



zestyzorra December 1 2012, 13:27:21 UTC
Oh wow, I didn't even catch Sam rubbing his hand! Thanks for pointing it out, that makes the episode even MORE awesome for me. :)


ash48 December 1 2012, 23:28:06 UTC
It's pretty cool isn't it?! The ep certainly had moments of awesomeness. :)


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