
Nov 08, 2012 20:19

Consisting of incoherent squeeee because... DAMN!

Seriously! Swearing and incoherent babble ahead )

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ash48 November 8 2012, 15:10:26 UTC
I just ... love both of them? :)

Oh me too. There's no way I can see one right over the other. They come from different perspectives which makes them neither right or wrong. It's the fact that they have these different ways of coming at things that makes them so damn interesting.

I always think that if they truly hated each other they wouldn't care who the other was with or one would just leave and that would be that. The fact that Sam uses "leaving" as a blackmail point speaks volumes. It matters!

Why did Sam walk out on Amelia without a word? He talks about it to Dean like the whole relationship happened ages ago, and ended naturally, but it didn't. Who was that outside, watching his home?

Oh yes yes!! Sam walking out without a word is so intriguing. And we did get that "watcher"...oh YAY! I hope there's so much more to all that. *bounces* (I forgot about the watcher...)

And I TOTALLY agree Sam needs an interesting story to match Dean's. At the moment "running off to have normal" seems shallow. I am sure there's more there. If they manage to tease that all out over the whole season I will be impressed. :)))


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