
Nov 08, 2012 20:19

Consisting of incoherent squeeee because... DAMN!

Seriously! Swearing and incoherent babble ahead )

s8 reaction

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maenad November 8 2012, 14:30:36 UTC
I equally don't get it because when the boys are in tune with each other (aka S7) there's nothing but complaints about the season being "bro-less". *shrugs* I don't care. I had feels and therefore show still matters to me. The day I watch an ep like that and think..."whatever"...I know I'm past it - time to move on. (I'm SO not passed it!)

I think they could tell effective stories without this kind of conflict between them, but I'd certainly agree that at the end of last season they didn't, and I'm much happier with this than with stories that don't have them in them.

I don't know. I really don't get the fandom's tendency to blame one brother or the other. What amuses me is that there seems to be a fairly broad consensus that someone is evil, selfish and a bad brother, but there seems to be a fairly even split on which one that is. I just ... love both of them? :)

Re Garth. I think I was along for the ride. I think because the "idjit" line had a bookend... the first time it was cringe worthy and inappropriate and at the end it offered more poignancy so I went with it. I may end up being the only Garth fan but I really needed his POV of things. It WAS wrong and I think that's totally Garth. There's this mix of him have NO idea with him have a totally complete idea. (Hee...crushing much...)

It's great that you like him. I don't dislike him at all. I just have this reflex reaction to that kind of humour. I can't make it go away, and it gets in the way of my enjoyment of the story. In other contexts, it's fine. Garth being untroubled by his inability to drink more than one beer, or his enjoyment of civil war re-enactments? Charming.

I think I really hope there are still mysteries lurking there. But I have to say I think they aren't going to go there. I expected some "omg Dean...I tried to make a deal and I even drank blood" in that ep but I actually think they are honestly going with "I couldn't cope, I didn't have anyone, I didn't know where you were, I was lost so I moved on" story line. It's hard but maybe we have to accept that Sam CAN live without Dean. (arghh...did I just say that?!!)

Oh, I don't mean that, exactly. I don't know exactly what I do mean because, as I said, that's where the story goes beyond my ability to predict. But there are mysteries there. Why did Sam walk out on Amelia without a word? He talks about it to Dean like the whole relationship happened ages ago, and ended naturally, but it didn't. Who was that outside, watching his home?

I hope there are good, meaty answers to those questions, with some angst and trouble built in. Because while I think Sam-the-person completely deserves a year with his feet up, I also think that Sam-the-character deserves a rich and interesting story to match Dean's. It doesn't necessarily have to be directly related to Dean's, though.


ash48 November 8 2012, 15:10:26 UTC
I just ... love both of them? :)

Oh me too. There's no way I can see one right over the other. They come from different perspectives which makes them neither right or wrong. It's the fact that they have these different ways of coming at things that makes them so damn interesting.

I always think that if they truly hated each other they wouldn't care who the other was with or one would just leave and that would be that. The fact that Sam uses "leaving" as a blackmail point speaks volumes. It matters!

Why did Sam walk out on Amelia without a word? He talks about it to Dean like the whole relationship happened ages ago, and ended naturally, but it didn't. Who was that outside, watching his home?

Oh yes yes!! Sam walking out without a word is so intriguing. And we did get that "watcher"...oh YAY! I hope there's so much more to all that. *bounces* (I forgot about the watcher...)

And I TOTALLY agree Sam needs an interesting story to match Dean's. At the moment "running off to have normal" seems shallow. I am sure there's more there. If they manage to tease that all out over the whole season I will be impressed. :)))


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