New Vid! We Will Rock You!

Oct 01, 2012 20:50

Is it October yet?! YES IT IS!!! \o/

Title: We Will Rock You
Vidder: Ash48
Music by: Queen
Length: 1.59m
Size: 21 mb
Summary: Supernatural Rocks!

Watch: You Tube || 4Shared

image Click to view

Special thanks to counteragent and callme_k for their awesome beta notes and suggestions. *HUGS*


When S7 ended I decided I wanted to make a vid that would celebrate the beginning of S8. I wanted to capture everything I love about the show - the boys, the action, the supporting characters, the Impala, the quirkiness, the hurt, the bromance. I had to work on little bits at a time because the beat work was doing my head in. Luckily I had 4 months to figure it out. ;)

I'm 80% SQUEEEEEE for the finale and 20% HOMG *bitey nails*. But I wear the love for my show on my sleeve, hence me making vids like this. :) Bring it ON is all I can say!!

vidding, squee!, spnvid

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