
Sep 16, 2012 19:16


My spirits are high. Not sure why exactly - maybe it's all those lovely pandas! (THANK YOU! <333)

Maybe it's because I've finished a vid (that's always a nice feeling), maybe it's because there are only 2 weeks of school and then I get to go to Sydney and see my family and WATCH PREMIERE WITH FANGIRLS!! WOOT!

Maybe it's because I've signed up to spn_j2_xmas! My first time ever. Not sure why I haven't before because it sounds so awesome. (I think because I am usually away over xmas and that kills deadlines). I like making stuff for other people more than anything. It's very motivating. Sign ups are here!

Maybe it's because it's looking likely that I will participate in festivids this year. \o/ Nominations for (lesser known) fandoms are open now.

Maybe it's all of the above! :D


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