Teen Wolf - reaction.

Aug 26, 2012 20:54

I've watched all the episodes and now I have some thoughts about it all I want to write them down.

Um... not exactly positive, so if you're looking for squee it might be best to move on. (and seriously this is purely personal. I completely appreciate we all see and experience TV differently. Yay for that! And also seriously, move on if you adore this show because my moaning is going to be boring as all hell).

I decided to watch Teen Wolf mainly because of the explosion in fandom over it. I was curious and I figured if SPN fans are going nuts over it I could be missing something I could be going nuts over. Because, let's face it...it's fun to go nuts over something. Man, I've enjoyed going nuts (and being nutty!) about Supernatural for 6 years now. I was very ready to jump on a new fandom band wagon.

Sadly, that band wagon isn't going to be for me. I say sadly because a shiny new fandom would be fun and I can see that the Show itself embraces the fandom and encourages participation - even that kind of participation. I think that's awesome and no doubt lots of fun will be had by all.

But you really have to love a show, connect with the characters and be taken for a ride with its story to engage in a fandom I think. (Though I love a lot of shows and am not fannish about them).

I did watch all 24 episodes willingly though so I can't discount that there is something there. Something that kept be coming back for more. Mostly those things were:

* Stiles

* Stiles and his dad

* Werewolves (and the genre)

* Scott's mum, Melissa

* Stiles

Dylan O'Brien's performance of Stiles is completely endearing. I thought he outshone his co-stars on so many levels and I'd love to see this young performer have a great career. The mix of humor and sincerity was spot on and he bought much needed levity to the Show. He's cute too. :) He's gets mentioned twice because if I watch any more of this show it will be just to watch him. And also because I did like his friendship with Scott. You totally know I'm a complete sucker for the bromance!

Of all the relationships I thought Stiles and his Dad to be the most interesting and compelling. Unlike a lot of the stuff going on it was subtly handled (for the most part) and I loved the emerging guilt that Stile's felt toward his dad. That hallucination scene (in um...ep 2.9 I think) - when his Dad was blaming him for everything, was heartbreaking. Namely because of Dylan's performance. He does teary, puppy dog eyes very well.

As soon as the word alpha was mentioned I started to get excited. I discovered a bit of a love for werewolf fic (shut up! the knotting has nothing to do with it. Sheesh) so I thought a show about werewolves could actually be interesting. The power dynamics between alphas, betas and omegas could be fun. The notion of packs and loyalty could make for some great story lines. Sadly, this never really played out as pack dynamics never really seemed to be a focus. Or, if it was, not to the point where I was satisfied. Though where it ended I suspect there might be more about that next season.

And I really liked Scott's mum. Nicely performed and a good contrast to all the emotional, angsty teenagers. (Um... I mentioned age being a factor didn't I? *g*)

Oh and I liked Danny and the coach. The coach was zany enough to add a fun element.

Er... now for the bits that make it enough for me to not really like the show. (and yeah I totally get that this show isn't supposed to appeal to my demographic but I'm going to whinge anyway...)

Not since Sooky in True Blood have I been so put off a show because of a character. Allison has that effect on me in this show - so much so that toward the end I had to skip through any scene she was in. I'd like to put a finger on what it is about her but I'm suspecting it's a purely personal reaction. For me it was the constant emotion, the tears, the doubt, the struggle and the try hard BAMF stuff that turned me away. It's very likely the actress and not the character because on paper I'm sure a female character like this would appeal to me. I liked the idea of her - having to grow up and accept responsibility yada yada but I'm not sure why in doing that she had to lose all her compassion.

I would like to think that she discovered that she could become a leader and hunter and not lose her compassion the way Kate and her mum did. They were two other characters that grated on me to the point of cringing when they came on (and seriously it has nothing to do with them being female. It had everything to do with them being extremely unlikeable). I am aware that as I skipped a lot of her chatty, emotional scenes I may have missed some of that character building. But to be honest, I just didn't care.

And there, essentially, is the crunch. None of the characters (aside from those mentioned above) made me care.

Lydia was interesting in that she's super smart pretending to be dumb (I'm not sure if they ever really explored the reasons why, because THAT would have been interesting). As I was skipping Allison scenes I was also skipping Allison and Lydia scenes so maybe this was explored more), but she just became annoying.

Jackson had so much potential to be an interesting, ultimately sympathetic character but, idk, it all became too plastic and stupid for my liking. They touched on interesting moments (others actually caring about what happened to him, losing control of his life, his background etc.) but that whole kanima story line was so messy for me. And he was just too much of a spoilt brat for me to connect with or even like. Even his buff bod wasn't enough to win me over (though definitely eye candy!)

I didn't mind Scott that much but I think the actor was being stretched beyond his abilities. I'm not sure if it was the material he had to work with or just inexperience but I was never sold on him. Maybe because he had to perform along side Dylan it showed up more. I do think he matured quite well into season 2 and there's definitely potential for more growth. I'd like to see him quietly slip into a leader role without major angst - which I think where it is all heading. And the whole Allison/Scott relationship was just too agonising for me to be interested in. (Oh I sound like such a spoilt sport without a romantic bone in my bod! Hee... not true. I love a good romance. Stile's pining over Lydia totally moved me...*g*).

Derek. *sigh* I'm going to blame the material for this character as well. I seriously think I am missing something here but other than having some him hurt all the time (and pulling growly faces) what was the point of him exactly? I think he's there as a confused werewolf or something. A character looking for somewhere to belong - he's not strong enough to be an Alpha so maybe he's an omega or perhaps needs to be lead (maybe by Scott?). Perhaps I missed some vital story telling on him. Another buff bod though. The eye candy certainly helped maintain a bit of interest.

The grandfather was completely unlikeable (I know that was the point but his growing relationship with Allison irked me beyond belief). Allison's dad was one of the most layered characters and I appreciated that, though I never felt sure about how I should be feeling about him.

The thing is I'm not sure if it's meant to be cheesy (without the humour) or whether it's just..um...bad. It's melodrama (hmmm, my idea of melodrama anyway) and therefore a certain amount of OTT stuff is to be expected but I never felt entirely comfortable about the universe they were presenting. It either needed to be more stylized (taking on a comic book style) or be more genuine. Or something.

I'm really really good at hand waving plot holes (hello, Supernatural fan here), so that didn't bother me too much but we are presented with the relentless saga of teenage love and angst and them trying to find a place their in the world that it all just became...tedious.

And that's why I expect my age, to a certain extent, plays into my reaction to the show. I'm not particularly interested in all that. OR it might well be that I have a teenager and I'm living with all the angst so I don't need to see it on my TV screen also! *g*

It intrigues me that Derek/Stiles is a ship, especially as they hardly share the screen together. But hey! Since when has that ever held fans back. I do love that Dylan and Tyler seem to have A LOT of chemistry between them. If I ever read fic it will probably of the RPF variety. (or hurt!Stiles, protective, possessive!Scott. That might well appeal..;D)

*phew* for someome who didn't exactly like it I sure had a lot to say. /o\

On a completely different note, I finished Season 2 of Spartacus and loved it! Maybe not as strong as S1 but still damn good. Now there's a show that has some interesting women in it. That ending! *GUH*

Also, is it October yet?!

teen wolf

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