OMG! It's here!! \o/

Aug 18, 2012 09:19


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jared, squee

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redteekal August 18 2012, 01:48:16 UTC
I was all O..o with the smoking and then I'm like damn I cannot stand smoking and yet he somehow...still looks attractive whilst doing it!!! But wait...there was a pause and a look down before he breathed out...he's reconsidering his filthy habit I just know it!!!! When he grabs the cup that's him throwing away his makeshift ashtray for ALL eternity. That's my internal overarching monologue on that piece and I'm sticking to it.

GAH. THE BOWTIE! You know not many guys can pull that off without it looking even a little corny. SMOOTH! SUAVE! CHIQUE! Our guy has it all!

In the first scenes I was thinking though...his facial structure is really conducive towards playing some strung out, under nourished, mentally ill junkie - I'm thinking like Christian Bale in The Machinist here (and that was extreme!) - I'm sure J would totally OWN a role like that (he's had some practice with Sam here let's be honest) but at the same time I'm like Do I really want to be that distraught? Because he would definitely elicit all the feelings in me there!

There is one tiny few seconds I would probably retake...can you guess where? I'll give you a clue he is VERY reminiscent of Sam in these few seconds. Just watch it again and see if there is a moment there when Jared is on screen and you just think huh and are a little thrown out by it.

Gen may have only had a few seconds...but those few seconds she played it perfectly! HIGH FIVES to her!


ash48 August 18 2012, 02:37:59 UTC
I'm wondering if the smoking is like the part of him that he's "shedding" before he goes to his girl. Or part of the "I am human" - we all have our issues. It's quite a significant moment and I think most people will be taken by surprised by it - especially has we rarely see people smoke in film and tv these days (compared to the past anyway).

I would totally love to see Jared to some other stuff (yes! like the machinist!) after SPN. He'd really embrace a good, meaty role like that.

Hmmmm.... wow.... guess where huh? Ack! I mean, it's hard not to see Sam in some of his mannerisms. I did notice the bit where he shrugs his shoulders after he shaves, that something Sam does a lot and there was a bit when he puffs out a breath toward the end that reminded me of Sam as well....

And Gen was indeed lovely at the end. OMG WOMAN TAKE HIM BACK!!! (I love the way he's holding the "don't take me seriously" card under him arm. OH JARED!



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