State of me...

Jul 16, 2012 16:08

Of all the days to have slooooow Internet speeds. I've caught glimpses of pics of the boys at Comic Com and caught a couple of spoilers. Can I just say YUM!!! Oh Jared ...*dies* (redteekal I am seriously jealous and envious of you right now!!!)

I have to say some of the spoliers I've seen have given me faith that we will be in for a good year!! carver acknowledging the show is all about the boys bond makes me SQUEEEEEEEE \o/. (that's not a spoiler because WE KNOW THAT!!! (I want to chat more about the spoilers but not here...;D)

I made a fannish "to do" list last night and it's looking a bit daunting.... /o\ All do-able (I think) just not possible until I return home to my real computer. The iPad is great, but not for actually doing stuff. wheeeeee-- new comm \o/, recs, meta, s5 motels (nearly done!), friending meme prep, vid roundup for roundtable , editing - like for realz editing, mini picspam. All fun stuff and I'm itching to get started. :)

Hope you all are well and enjoying the comic com stuff. ooooh... add that to the list - nerd HQ to watch and read ALL the spoilers and see ALLL the pics and die from ALL the HOT!!

Oh and get ready for Term 3 of school. There is that...

rl, ireallydohavealife

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