New Vid! Who Are You?

Feb 18, 2009 20:42

Dedicated to Kayla, aka popcornleader for her up coming birthday! Hope you have a good one hun! (*meep* I know it's early!)

Title: Who Are You?
Vidder: Ash
Titles: Sharvie
Song: Who Are You by The Who
Category: Hmmm ... themed montage I'd say.
Length: 4.30.m
Size 37.5mb
Summary: A catalogue of aliases, pseudonyms, costumes etc.
watch: YoutubeRead more... )


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_sharvie_ February 20 2009, 06:15:50 UTC
No problem. The tech side of this stuff just fascinates me. :D

I messed up when I said "encoded avi". What I meant to say is that the way in which you encode that avi can be causing the problems. You can have DV-avi as well as the dreaded divx-avi. Both two types of avi but editing programs love to work with DV but hate to deal with Divx.

Think of video compression like a hot dog. You can have several different types of dogs and buns. But while one type of dog is something your tummy (the editing program) loves to eat, another it absolutely hates to digest and you get a tummy ache. In other words, the program crashes.

Avi is a type of bun. It's effectively a wrapper the files are stored in. Avi for is very popular for distribution because the codecs (dogs) you can put into it compress very nicely for travel over the internet. Most popular are Divx and Xvid. They are wonderful to get good quality looks with tiny file size. The problem is that video editing programs hate, hate, hate, to edit them because what makes them so great for internet distribution is the exact same thing that makes them hell to edit with. They are highly, highly compressed.

But if you say that you made these files yourself then I'm not sure what you did. Unless someone told you to make them dvix/xvid, which they should have not have done. And adding Vista into the mix just adds to the amount that can go wrong.

If you can make your own files from DVDs you want to stick to uncompressed or lossless formats as much as possible. But the problem is that every tiny little 30 second clip now becomes this huge monster sized file! What a pain in the butt.

This isn't an easy problem to solve. So don't beat yourself up about it. Keep lurking on the sites and let Ash help you out. I probably made matters worse by confusing you further but if you have any questions, I'll be happy to try and help. I know I can get kinda wordy so errrp. Yeah, good luck!


annabeth February 20 2009, 06:42:53 UTC
I don't mind wordy :D I meant, I made clips from downloaded episodes, which means I'm sure they used Divx. The weird thing is most of the clips DO work...

Anyway, I'll keep fussing with it. I never turned my laptop on today so I haven't tried anything else yet.

I think my biggest problem is that if I was actually a vidder and not just someone who dabbles very occasionally, it would be worth using a program besides WMM...

*fails* I forgot to thank you again for taking the time to type all that up! :D


_sharvie_ February 20 2009, 07:10:41 UTC
If it helps, it was worth it! :D


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