Game of Thrones vids...

Jun 14, 2012 19:18

I've just watched obsessive24's Game of Thrones vid Iron (absolutely stunning) .... and I now have the urge to not only watch some more GoT vids but to also make one. (ack...).

Is there much out there? I don't even know where to starting looking for good GoT vids - just did a YT search, and well, let's just say my teeth are still itching.... I know I have moaned about this before but honestly, how does a vid get a gazzillion views when it's nothing but long clips made up of talking friggin' heads! Grrrr.

Anyway. If you have any vid recs I'd love to know. :D

(and, um... GoT icons would be kinda handy also. Any recs for those?)

Sorry, I'm being so lazy and not searching. I'm shattered - thank God it's my day off tomorrow.

game of thrones

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