An idea struck me...

Jun 10, 2012 11:10

I was thinking about SPN (as I do), mulling over the "maybe spoiler" that was quoted from Bob Singer and had a thought that might actually work at the beginning of S8. Cliched of course but, hey...

Spoiler mentioned, speculation ahead )

s8 musings

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Comments 31

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ash48 June 10 2012, 03:56:22 UTC
I think it could play out quiet interestingly... not sure they'd take this route though but if they do I could ...*fist pump*



phx69 June 10 2012, 03:26:02 UTC
I will admit, I don't like that at all. I can honestly say I wouldn't watch it. I didn't like the robo-Sam episodes either because that was not really Sam so, for me, it was a waste of time and episodes. In both those situations, there is only one sided feelings of brotherhood. It would be incredibly heartbreaking and totally not something I would be interested in ( ... )


ash48 June 10 2012, 04:09:34 UTC
Ha! you known when I was typing this I was thinking of you and knew it wouldn't be something you'd like. Though I figured you might be happy with them being reunited straight away ( ... )


phx69 June 10 2012, 04:32:46 UTC
ah okay - I was thinking in terms of what I saw in a fic where Dean came back with amnesia, but it was only important things like Sam and Bobby that he actually forgot (protective amnesia so the monsters couldn't use Sam or Bobby against him) but he remembered Cas because Cas had been with him. it was just heart breaking because we had to watch Sam struggle with not being remembered and while Dean might feel something for him, it could never be the strength of their previous bond because that relied on history - which he never could fully restore. Yeah, he had affection for Sam but it was never going to be the same. There would always be something missing. dean wasn't as bothered by it since he had no memories of what he was missing.


ash48 June 10 2012, 04:42:33 UTC
Ah... no no. Nothing like that. DO NOT WANT! The angst of that would be far too much. I hated it when soulless! told Dean he didn't care for him or lisa etc. That was very tough going. By forgetting everybody Dean would be starting again and because it was Sam who rescued him Dean would already have some connection with Sam. Sam would tell him they were brothers so Dean would have to (and probably want to) trust Sam. They'd be an innate bond there maybe. or, even if there was nothing it would start to develop because they'd actually become friends. Dean would wan to hang around with Sam because he likes him.

So it could mean we see them be friends because they actually get on rather than because they are brothers. I mean, we know that already, but it might be good to actually see it. (and after that awful Swap Meat episode we could do with the confirmation that they actually really like each other...)


phx69 June 10 2012, 03:27:16 UTC
tee hee - plus Sam would have to do the hugging both times? I would love to see a hug initiated by Dean this time! The last one was a Sam hugging Dean one when Sam got his soul back - Dean was too shocked at first.


ash48 June 10 2012, 04:11:51 UTC
Umm... let's see., let's have Sam hug Dean when he first returns and then Dean hugs Sam because he finally remember who he is...;D

(to be honest I' be happy with ANY hugs... we haven't had one for SO long).


phx69 June 10 2012, 04:27:12 UTC
LOL! that works for me :P I do think Dean would initiate that hug!


sockkpuppett June 10 2012, 03:59:10 UTC
I could buy Amnesiac Dean before I could buy Evil Dean. Dean has a core of goodness in him that took Hell 30 years to break into, so I don't think Purgatory can touch him in that way. OTOH, if they do go the amnesiac route, I think it'd be cool if he were *totally* amnesiac or maybe amnesiac with a hunter's "muscle memory." I can't bear the thought that Sam would save Dean and Dean would prefer Castiel to Sam simply because of familiarity. That plot point with Meg and Castiel has rubbed me *raw*, I tell you.


ash48 June 10 2012, 04:18:47 UTC
Yeah - I'm not keen on evil!Dean myself. Initially I was thinking just something "different" and that came to mind, but now different could be Dean with no memory (but yes, muscle memory for hunting...).

Ack.. I didn't consider that Dean would remember Cas. My thinking is that he wouldn't remember anyone - including Cas. And no... definitely no preferring Cas over Sam. I think there might just be a fandom meltdown if that happened (not for everyone I suppose). Cas would have to .... Idk, I haven't figured out that bit. I suppose it depends where Cas has gone (or been taken)...


callistosh65 June 10 2012, 04:30:58 UTC
I like! Amnesia sounds like an idea worth tossing around in the writers' room. They need something new, and let's face it, we fans *love* our tropes. Since genderswap and de-aging is probably out, this could be really well explored and like you say, be an interesting challenge for Jensen.

You keep thinking, Butch. that's what you're good at...*g*


ash48 June 10 2012, 13:35:48 UTC
Hee! My brain sometimes...

It would be great if they did try something "new" - whether this or something else.I'd love to see them come up with something that surprises us.


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