The 5th Annual Driver Picks the Music Viewers Choice Awards is up. I have a few vids in there:
Mr Sandman (Best Character and Most Humorous)
Supernatural's Flying Circus (Most Humorous and Most Original)
Word Spins Madly On (Best POV)
(links to DPTM Voting)
But wow... there's so many awesome vids and vidders there. Go vote for your favourites!
Tumblr recs?
With a little extra holiday time on my hands I've been exploring Tumblr a little more. (Is it just me or is LJ fairly quiet these days?) I'm trying to get used to it (drooling over all the pruty). It always takes me a while to understand new sites. If you have a Tumblr and I'm not already following you please let me know. (REALLY!) I have no idea where to start when looking for blogs to follow. I'm keen on not being spoiled (which might prove a problem I think) so blogs that aren't too spoilery would be great. I'll take recommendations as well. :)
Thanks guys. Hope you all had a great Easter break. <33