Because my flist is so knowledgable..

Jan 18, 2012 13:01

I know. I ask a lot of questions. I've learned over time that that's the best way for me to learn and a great way to get info relevant to LJ.

This time I have one for the picspammers.

I have actually opened up Photoshop and I AM PLAYING! \o/ I have figured out how to size and colour and I'm damn excited about that.

The question is. What is a good and reasonable size (kb/mb) for an image? I have no idea if I should be aiming for a say 300kb file or lower. Higher? Obviously the higher the better for quality, but what is consider too big? I suspect if a picspam is too big it would take the average person too long to dl the images. Yeah?

And umm... png or jpeg? Argh! New learning curve.

Also *HUGS* everyone for the show/tell info. SO awesome. I learned heaps. Mostly that writing seems hard!

help, question

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