That shotgun seems familiar....

Dec 30, 2011 07:28

Wee!Bobby in At Death's Door (7.10)

Devil's Trap (1.22)

Dean: Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure we should come.

Bobby: Nonsense, your Daddy needs help.

Dean: Well, yeah, but last time we saw you, I mean, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot. Cocked the shotgun and everything.

You can tell I'm itching for the next ep yeah? I've been thinking about Show and the above lines of dialogue popped into my brain. It made me beam a little when I then considered wee!Bobby's actions in that last episode.

There is no way Bobby had the elaborate back story he has now when he first appeared here. In fact, it's my understanding that he was going to be around that much. What I do love is that they ended up giving Bobby a backstory that directly linked and a past action (shooting his father) to one of the very first bits of information we were given about him (cocking a shotgun at John).

It makes sense that this is how Bobby solves problems. It solved his first, childhood problem after all.

I also like that we saw Bobby use a shot gun in episode 7.09. And use it expertly.

I would like to think this was a deliberate set up. The audience has it fresh in their minds that Bobby is very familiar with shotguns. It means that when he picks it up to shoot his father it rings true. This is something Bobby could have done.

Other parallels that I liked:

Bobby being shot in the same place he shot his dad. (very cool)

The glass of milk shattering on the floor, similar to the way the coffee cup was dropped when John died. Not identical, but I'd like to think it was a call back.

The sliding doors opening up to reveal the childhood scene, similar to them opening in Dream a Little Dream, when we discover that Bobby's wife was possessed by a demon.

Is it January 6th yet?

s7 musings, not!meta

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