A Few of My Favourite Things - Part One

Dec 20, 2011 10:32

To keep me and my fandom brain occupied over the next few days, I will be posting some of my favourite (and not so favourite) things about my show from the past 6 seasons (with sneak appearances from S7).

They will mostly take a "Top Five" format. Except for this one. I want to start with my favourite shots and there are far too many to restrict myself to only five. (I also want to stretch my picspamming skills...;) )

This one is at the top because it's my absolute favourite. It's the establishing shot of the hospital in After School Special (4.13). I adore the extreme low angle and the way the windows reflect the outside world. It sets up a foreboding, oppressive tone for the episode. It's also fairly obscure and detached. Wonderfully symbolic and beautiful.

Show uses overhead shots to great effect. They usually spiral in or out of the subject and create a sense of chaos. They often use circles as a motif. (Much meta to be had here on circles and the re-occuring themes - death, resurrection, abandonment, revenge etc. To be tackled at a later date).

This scene really struck me. Look at that huge oppressive bridge on top of our boys. So much symbolism. This is from All Dogs go to Heaven (6.08). Sam has no soul and the boys have this heavy weight over them. I love how professional and confident they look as they walk. It's a wonderful juxtaposition between the might of the Winchesters and the weight of the world. Brilliant.

Car porn! SO much love for this sequence in Two and a Half Men (6.02). The camera adores the Impala. (*sniff* I am missing her).

I remember being blown away by Castiel's introduction. From the doors opening, to the sparks of exploding light to the wing shot. Probably the best entrance for any actor on the show!

Use of Light. This is an embarrassingly small example of how awesome Show (well, Serge Ladouceur) uses light. But these two are amongst my favourites. The pools of light with the encroaching water in Hello Cruel World (7.02) and Sam bathed in (angelic) light in When the Levee Breaks (4.21).

I've put these scenes together because I feel there's a theme here. We often have shots where the Impala is in the foreground - as if watching over the boys. She's part of their family.

It's curious to me that when soulless!Sam is watching Dean and Lisa it's a similar shot. Only he's "excluded" from that family.

The star gazing shot from Swan Song (5.22) is one of my absolute favourites. The car is underneath them. Supporting them. With them. Part of the family. Part of their fate.

This is a rather random selection of my favourite scenes. It's mostly about the composition. It's what's in the background or foreground. The way the surroundings speak volumes without words.

I think the cinematography on Supernatural is amongst the best. I'm probably biased but for the little show that could they do remarkably well. :D

favourite things, picspam, not!meta

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