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Comments 20

zimshan October 22 2011, 06:38:59 UTC
OMG YES THE MALEFICARUM BEDSPREADS!!! I noticed that and geeked out like a moron! CRAZILY IMPRESSIVE, SHOW!!!


ash48 October 22 2011, 08:17:28 UTC
Hee! I just love the idea that the set dressers are all.."let's use the same (non too subtle) bedspreads from the last witch episode. It's sure some geeky fans will like that". :DD



zebra363 October 22 2011, 07:43:38 UTC
I was supposed to be in Fremantle an hour ago and I'm just now leaving home because I had to watch it first!


ash48 October 22 2011, 08:18:53 UTC
Sounds like a damn fine excuse to be late if you ask me!

I always get a bit itchy if I know I have an ep to watch. Better to be late than have that itch I reckon..;)


cassiopeia7 October 22 2011, 12:23:09 UTC
Oh, my! I didn't even notice the bedspreads! AWESOME catch!

They can dig a grave, face numerous types of dead bodies but can't touch chicken feet.

THIS. So much! XD


ash48 October 22 2011, 12:54:59 UTC
AWESOME catch!

It's probably pretty sad that I notice things like the fact that they used bedspreads from 3 seasons ago! LOL



cassiopeia7 October 22 2011, 13:00:55 UTC
I believe it wasn't so much the chicken bones but the smell....

Heh, that was actually one part of the episode that I could really really relate to: years ago, when I worked at an excavation in Greece we had spent hours scraping clean all kinds of animal bones we had found and had left them out in the sun to dry (the idea was for the anthropologist to examine them closely to determine if they were kept for food or wool/milk production or both). Anyway, somebody put them back into plastic bags before they were fully dry, and left them right out there in the sunshine.

The smell was just indescribable....

All of us hardened archaelogists, used to digging up graves, pretty much reacted the way Sam and Dean did.

It is *not* something Dean would want anywhere near his pie!



tiniowien October 22 2011, 12:47:10 UTC
I have the oddest little thought and I'm (really, really hopefully) wrong on this, but something had bugged me for the last couple of eps that hasn't gone away. A friend of mine -who doesn't get as into the show as we do, so this was an innocent gut-reaction type of thing for them- mentioned to me that 'Bobby' might be one of the Leviathans, ever since his oddly-easy reappearance after vanishing when his house was torched. I know it makes very little sense but I just can't shake it. And when Dean was on the phone to Bobby in this ep and had to reiterate his last name etc... Tell me I'm wrong? /o\


ash48 October 22 2011, 13:03:09 UTC
Ah. So. You might not have seen some past conversations I have been having about this....;)

In short. Yes. Or maybe. Possibly. There's something isn't there?

You're not the only one. Past ponderings have involved thinking that they may have really messed up Bobby's reaction to his house burning down. OR he's not really Bobby. I love the latter but it begs the question.. who is he? I can't believe he is a leviathan because they want the Winchesters dead so he would have just done that already. (plenty of chances).

He might be the "big bad"... bigger than we have already seen (because Show wouldn't have given us the really, REALLY big bad yet would it?!) OR?? It's tricky. I really hope they have something up their sleeves with this because I can't buy that Bobby would be "meh" about his house burning down.

(might be a question for the flist in a few days...;) )



geckoholic October 22 2011, 17:04:13 UTC
Heh, show really loves us back! :D

Whatever they're planning to do with the Amy-thing, I hope they'll do it soon. I don't like the idea of them dragging that on for too long.


ash48 October 23 2011, 01:49:03 UTC
*nods* I hope the Amy thing plays out quickly also. I wouldn't have said it was something that Dean would angst over that much. Considering everything else he's been through.


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