I wasn't going to whine...

Jun 17, 2011 20:20

but now I'm just feeling too sorry for myself. *mopes*

I'm sick of being sick. I thought I was over this cold on Wednesday so went back to school and then wham! Full on! Stupid nose.. :(


The upside of being sick is getting to read stuff. Long stuff. So a couple of recs..

Let Not the Sun Go Down by lexicale Jared/Jensen, AU, bottom!Jared. (mostly PG13...)

Why: This is one of those fics that I really shouldn't have liked. Nothing to do with the writing of course, everything to do with the content. I started it out of curiosity and then I was completely swept into the detailed world the author created. I didn't expect werecats (or rather, ailuranthropes) to be something that would interest me... but wow. The world and characters are so rich I couldn't help but fall in love with it.

This story deals with grief and identity. But essentially it is a romance that ended up giving me a greater understanding for a kink that's never really done a lot for me. (Don't want to say what it is because I went into this story unspoiled and I think it's a great way to read it).

The Idle Job by kelleigh Jared/Jensen, AU, NC17

Why: Woot! This is such a fabulous read. I love adventure with my (hot sex) and romance. Jensen is TO DIE FOR! Honestly... Ranger!Jensen and Doc!Jared are perfect. *draws hearts* Aside from the wonderful pace, great action and mystery I loved it for the honest sex scenes. I like that who tops/bottoms isn't straight forward. And yay! Switch! (why are they so rare?!)

I am constantly blown away by amazing authors who can create worlds you just want to get lost in. The BB's are all looking so awesome. So many I want to read. I hope some get made into podfics.

Podfic/Story rec:

Relax, it's Just sex by alwayseven read by thalialunacy. Jared/Jensen, NC17 (like whoa!)

Why: HOT HOT HOT. Did I mentions... *guh*... OMG! Sizzling..?! It's bottom!Jared (yeah, I know... no surprise for me...) but wow. *fans self* It's more that just porn, but porn makes up a HUGE amount of it. It's got plot though and great characters. Love it when Chad doesn't play a complete douche bag. (I know nothing about CMM. I take it there are reason he's always written as an idiot?)

The quality of the recording is great and the reading, though a little fast at times, is wonderful. I love that I can catch up on past BB's through the fabulous medium of podficcing.

I also caught a couple of movies this week. (I know. Should have been in bed, but sitting in the cinema is just as restful... and less boring.)

LOVED Source Code and really liked X-Men. Debating whether to see Super 8 next?

Also... I keep seeing Game of Thrones mentioned on my flist. Yes? No? Should I be checking this out? (I am being needy tonight aren't I?? /o\)

Oh. And I came to an end in the vidding Tourney, (as I suspected I would). But I was pleased to get where I did and the fact that so many awesome vidders bowed out at the same time makes me not feel so bad.

*smish*... luckily a virtual one..

fic rec, podfic rec

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