That mixed bag that I like to do...

Jun 08, 2011 21:28

You know that vid re-posting I was talking about yesterday..? Well, I mentioned to the poster that it's not nice to post a vid that's doesn't belong to you and if you want to "share" then you should credit.. etc.

She added this to her post:

Этот мир придуман не нами, этот мир придуман не мной"©
Огромное спасибо тем, кто создал это видео. Спасибо мне, что это не я ))))))

Um... clues anyone?

Ummm. Speaking of vidding. I was coloured Holy Moly by making it into the next round of DPTM tourney. The thing about this comp is it really isn't vidder v vidder. It's about vid v vid and because you have no idea what your component is going to submit you have to take a punt on what to submit. So it could be one of your best..... or not. I think this will be the end of the road for me next round but wow.. happy to have made it this far.

Who would have thought html coding could be so much fun? The stuff I've learned! "ul" is for indenting for example.

Twitter question. Should one respond to tweets? Or just read and more on. The latter I am assuming. Unless one has something meaningful to contribute I suppose. I'm enjoying the reading though.

I think I might have just started the most ridiculous crack vid eva. /o\ I'm just waiting for maichan808 to tell me I've gone too far....

That's it for random for tonight.

vidding, blog

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