All a twitter and a podcast rec..

Jun 05, 2011 20:04

My interest in Twitter has been renewed for some not so strange reason *g*

Jared has a Twitter (which has been confirmed).

I therefore had to fire up my Twitter account, brush off the cobwebs and take a look. (did I get a Twitter app for my iPad?! just maybe../o\)

But when I read his tweets I felt like I was eavesdropping or something. They read more like a text messages that I had accidentily come across. It was sorta freaky. But also kinda thrilling. Like... this guy is now accessible.

Personally I struggle to understand why a person like Jared would need to tweet... I can only think it's to make himself accessible to his fans? Which..ok, that's cool and nice of him but.. yeah. I don't know. Affirmation that he's loved? Maybe just for fun? Because Misha and Jim have one? Because he's Jared probably. *hearts him*

But it's still kinda weird reading Jim Beaver warning Jared not to let it "eat your life". And then Jared telling us that he's ROCKING in Nashville. Is that just to make us jealous?! OK! I'm JEALOUS honey! I'd love to be there too!

I am also thinking this might be like a new toy for him. :) I gotta say that him having a pic of Jensen as his profile pic is FABULOUS! Those boys... who needs a tin hat. *hearts* them!

Oh Jared. I have this massively HUGE soft spot for you. PLEASE come to Sydney next year. I want to stare all doughy eyed at you. <33

Story and podfic rec

Time to squee about something else... (can you tell it's a 3 day weekend for me?! I'm a bit bouncy....)

I have just finished listening to the most AMAZING story. HO. MY. GOD!

It's In Harm's Way" by gatorgrrrl It's read by weimar27. (Jared/Jensen, AU, NC17, spy thriller, romance).

(The links are to the podcast, which have links to the fic. This is a 2009 Big Bang fic but it has only recently been made into a podfic).

See. Here's the thing. It's 85,000 words. There's no way I would have the time to sit and read that many words, so for someone to take the time to read this and then edit it is WONDERFUL! It meant I got to enjoy a story I would never have found otherwise. As with all podfics I listen to.

It had me engrossed the entire time. In fact... I never EVER just stand and listen to a podfic. I listen while I'm doing something like driving, exercising etc. But the last 30 minutes had me so enthralled (not to mention ::koff:: choked up..) I just stood in the living room hanging on every single word.

The actual podcast is pretty good also. Some of the sound editing threw me at times, (a little uneven) but weimar27 has an engaging quality that I found myself falling into.

If you're not into listening to stories then I certainly recommend reading the story. It's well structured and the end... ack! Not saying.

Hope you are all doing well. It's Monday tomorrow and no work! YAY.

ETA: Seriously?! Jared's hair at Nashcon...<33

blog, podfic rec

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