Were they..??
I liken it to my not drinking at the moment. The longer I go (five weeks now ..) the more I am looking forward to enjoying my first glass of wine and savouring it when I can start again (3 weeks and 2 days..*g*). Having gone 11 episodes without Sam it's an appreciation of what I have been missing that I am savouring and thoroughly enjoying at the moment.
Having said that, I do think these episodes, in themselves, have been pretty strong. Though if this one had appeared say, in the middle of season 3, then maybe I wouldn't be so loud with my squee. The fact that after two years and 11 episodes we are finally getting a chance to see the boys working together, talking, caring, having each others' backs and not being deceitful etc. ... is making me SHOUT from the roof tops. I am well aware that this probably won't last so I'm enjoying it while I can. :)
And this isn't me wanting the show to return to S1 or S2. I don't want that. Why would I? The boys have had issues throughout the whole series. It's been a continual part of the story arc. We've seen them at odds, torn apart, at each others throats and lying to each other, so to see them in a place where they can start to rebuild their relationship is very satisfying.
I would like to think this is a new beginning for the boys. A chance for each to re-discover themselves within this very messy, co-dependent relationship. I've been having an interesting discussion with the lovely
smilla02 on the boys' story arc, in particular what direction each might need to go in order to complete their journeys. I suspect there is still a long way to go. And I'm buckling in for the ride, because we may be waiting a while.
For me, this wasn't a "flashback" episode. This wasn't doing what "I Know What You Did Last Summer" did. It wasn't about learning more about what Sam did in his soulless year. Sure, it was great (for me) to see some of that, but the flashbacks did two things. One - provide a narrative structure for this week's hunt and two, bring about the final scene. I enjoyed the way it worked in both these ways.
Here's some things I found particularly interesting:
"Where memories are made"!! A sign post for the episode to come. Awesome and perfect. And really? Tentacles? They really do keep an eye on LJ don't they...;) And er... net or spider web in the corner? Ok.. so maybe I'm pushing it. :)
During this scene with Dean all I could keep thinking is how difficult it must be for this actress to look across at Jensen and keep her concentration. I mean... god damn but he's gorgeous. He seemed so at ease in this scene and when that happens he seems to suddenly look a lot younger. Those angsty frown lines are gone....
I'd have this look on my face if I was working with Jensen .... (I reckon she was totally fangirling him during this scene. Or maybe that was just me... :D).
Oh Sammy... You and your peen got around a bit during your soulless year it would seem. (I've been enjoying the comments about Sam's peen continuing to be deadly. hehe). If Sam's body did return from hell rehymenated, it's pretty clear it isn't any more. (I'm sure there's some heavy meta here on the nature the soul plays in the role of sex for Sam, but I might leave that to someone else to nut out..)
After watching the final scene it became clear to me that so many moments in this episode were leading up to it. The scene in the jail becomes extremely interesting. First up - it's a cage. It's no accident (and ok, maybe they are hitting us over the head with it..) that Sam ended up behind bars. I love the way this scene was shot. (and heads up to
destina for pointing out the colour choices in this scene).
Love this angle of the cage...
I adored this transition:
But check out the colours on Sam's face. Red and green. The duality of Sam's personality and continuing inner struggle. I like that at times in the scene Sam looked menacing, and then looked completely harmless and soulful. He really had to sell his innocence here.
Love the bar down the middle of his face...
And this amazing close up as he exits the cell. I think they are still playing with us a bit here...
And talking about playing with us... only one bed slept in boys?! What's the story...? (And I think it's a couch no less...)
With all the clues leading up to the final shot I'm surprised it came as such a surprise. But I really wasn't expecting this so soon. But I'm glad that Sam (and we) now has something to go on now. I think it was a smart move. It leaves the door open to see what Sam does with this knowledge.. (and if I'm going to be able to wallow in some hurt!Sam for a bit..*g*. *iz shallow*)
I liked that this mirrored Dean's Hell shot. Sometimes it's hard to know if show is being repetitive and therefore not particularly inventive, or deliberately putting up a mirror and therefore being consistent. I'd like to think the later.
Really liked this shot of Sam in Hell. I can already see some awesome manips come out of this scene.
Just another brick in the wall
I would like to think that we only witnessed a slight crumbling of the wall here. A brick popped out and Sam will quickly cement it in again. Up until now Sam hasn't really been aware of what Dean is protecting him from. I'm sure he believes Dean, but Sam's driving need to put right something his soullessness caused was too important to take real notice. I think he knows now.
I'm thinking we might get a Sam who might just be more careful in the next couple of episodes. Or not. We may have basketcase!Sam, demonic!Sam, coma!Sam.... but I suspect more of a holycrapIbetterlistentowhatdeanhasbeentellingmeforachange!Sam. :D
And now... HANDS!!!!! o/
So yeah. Loved that episode and I look forward to seeing where they go from here. :)
*heffa hugs* to
netlynn for the gifs. THANK YOU!