6.07 reaction/review

Nov 07, 2010 07:49

Three things before I start.


2. Bound!Sammy \o/ (sorry.. kink showing..*g*)

3. This:

If we needed any more proof that S6 was all about the "noir" here it is. I've always loved the way Show has used classic noir elements (the fan has been used a few times now \o/) but here it's particularly poignant as it seems to telegraph the mystery behind Christian - before we even know it. I kinda did a geeky squeee during that scene. Fans (and the subsequent use of light) are my most favourite cinematic device.

Before I count the ways I have to say I am seriously impressed about the way Show has approached Season 6. If feels like it's taken it by the balls and friggin' squeezed new life into it. *yikes* you may well not have needed that visual but it feels like it has really has grown up and given itself potential. Potential to be something meaty and... this may sound weird, but serious. It feels like it really understands what it's doing and it's dug its heels in. I love that!

Counting the ways...

1. Sam. Oh boy. I can't even. I cannot get over how well Jared is portraying Sam this season. It's not easy watching a Sam we don't know. But it's damn fascinating.

By watching this Sam we are learning so much about what makes up Sam. There's an acknowledgment of the depth of empathy that Sam always manages to find. No matter what.

(I could rant about the switch from "smirky" Sam (which read malevolent to me) to a somewhat more "innocent" Sam but I figure it's all part of the guise. Part of the damn ruse that Show was presenting. I HATE you and LOVE you at the same time for that. And how the fuck have you turned me from believing COMPLETELY that Sam is "Other" to believing and accepting that Sam is simply without a soul??!! I hate you. Really).

Show is consistent in it's use of Dean's POV. As much as I am always DESPERATE for Sam's side of things it's always had Dean as its central story teller. The thing is, when we DO get Sam's story it's usually friggin HUGE... Mystery Spot, I Know What You Did Last Summer, When the Levee Breaks. So I know when we get this season's "Sam story", it should be BIG. Though it won't get nearly the amount of time Dean gets but because the stories usually revolve around Sam, I figure it evens itself out. Clever.

2. Dean. I don't know about you but the Dean I saw in this ep was a little like the Dean from "The End". Not the complete ruthlessness, but the ""knuckle down and just get on with it" Dean. Somewhat pragmatic but not without a hint of caring. This is Dean who has (and I have said it before) been through the ringer.

I just have to do an aside and talk about acting for a bit. Jensen knows Dean. He knows what he's been through so the Dean he is portraying is a hardened Dean. It's not the Dean that sought Sam's help to find John in season one. It's a Dean who's been to hell and back. Quite literally. A Dean who has weathered Sam's betrayals, his sacrifices, his love, his bravery ... his EVERYTHING!!

So the Dean we saw tonight, the one that had to face the fact that Sam was without a soul was a Dean who just took it in his god damn stride.

I mentioned on ancastar's wonderful ep post that Dean is a man of action. And in this episode his actions spoke louder than words. He stuck by Sam and to me this was the heart of the episode. He is no longer the Dean that would shed tears over the fact that his little brother has no soul. He would stoically stick by him and do what ever it takes to get it back.

Though I have to agree with her that Dean is treating Sam like it's his fault that he's lost his soul. That he somehow brought this on himself. But really? ::soapbox:: Sam is often treated like everything is his fault. Not just by Dean but by fans as well. It's Sam's burden unfortunately. The very fact that Sam has had little control over things that have happened to him is part of the Sam story I think. ::/soapbox::

Aside from that.... Thank GOD they showed Dean for the awesome he is. It was starting to piss me off that they kept putting him down (I love they way they filmed that...Dean looking so "small" in the first half and then giving him this heighten status in the second half. Clever).

Have I mentioned lately how much I heart Dean? Consider it mentioned *G*

3. Bro!love. (Yes. I'm always looking for it). *G* I felt it people! I really did. It's all about the boys!

This was an amazing episode to (once again) show how psychotically, erotically and unhealthily dependent they are on each other (wincest goggles are off btw *g*). Dean cannot and will not leave Sam and Sam is drawn to Dean even though he doesn't "feel" the love he once had. I clapped my hands when Sam returned to Dean. I mean, I knew it was coming but to see Dean's face made it extra special. This episode hurt and felt good at the same time. Go figure.

4. The whole look of the episode. It was dark and mysterious and insular. I just loved the whole feel of it. Again, it reminded me of The End. I would love to think this is no coincidence. The Campbell clan has a sense of the "rebel force" and Dean finally came into his own as "commander". (I could rant here about the sudden switch around but won't because the payoff was totally worth it. Dean was always going to show these SOBs how awesome he really is. \o/)

5. Crowley. Ok. Ok. Yes, I hated him when he first showed up in S5 (but that was more the episode than the character) but surprise!Crowley was clappy hands because we are seriously onto something here. :D :D I do like this actor. :)

6. Gwen! A strong female character has snuck in. \o/ I think show may have learned its lessen from the poorly introduced Jo, Bela and even Ruby. Gwen has been given a slow build. Some history and importance. I'd like to see her stick around for a while.

7. Grandpa. I have to say I'm liking Mitch. He doesn't have the JDM presence but there's potential for this character and it will interesting to find out what his reasons are for being Crowley's "bitch". It will no doubt be family based. His wife's soul being held to random like Sam's? Mary's maybe? Both?

8. The boys - together. At last. Even though they are not the same, at least the mystery is out in the open. *phew* I liked this episode for the truths it revealed and that Dean called Sam on doing stuff that is not right. I have no issue with Dean now being Sam's, I suppose, guardian. It's probably not fair that Sam is, once again, in the position of being the little brother needing big brother's guidance... but, um... I kinda like that. It's back the "keep each other human" motto they've made for themselves. The dynamic between them will be very interesting - as long as it doesn't go on for too long. I really want to see what state our old Sam will return in well before the end of the season. I worried about Sam coming back burdened with guilt. But with the now "innocent" Sam, I can't see he'll have much to feel guilty for.

9. Alpha Vamp. He was awesome. The actor was perfect. (love the fingernail on the chair - a wonderful directorial decision. The directing was really tight in this episode).

10. The story. The writing. The directing. I was in the edge of my seat for most of it and loved the tension it built. It was meaty and very satisfying.

Overall, I love how solid this season is feeling. As much as I am missing Sammy, I love that we have a new dynamic between the boys. Some new, interesting characters and a meaty story arc. Go Show!! \o/

(now we just have to wait to see where Sam's soul is. If it's still in the cage... *yikes*... that will be one messed up Sammy soul....)

s6 episode reaction

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