I HAVE to post this..

Oct 22, 2010 23:18

... just so I have a copy on my journal. Forever. So I can droooool at my heart's content. Hands down... favourite promo shot EVER! Maybe it's because Jared is front and center and looking good enough to LICK, maybe it's because all three guys are in there all together, maybe it's because they look soooo GROWN UP and GOD DAMN GORGEOUS!! Maybe it's the colouring and composition.... *g*

Don't care what it is. I LOVE IT!! I HAS to have a home here.

GUH!!!! It's almost like a movie poster or something. *screenlick*

Also. Just finished reading this fic that kinda ripped my wee heart out. The amazing thing is, abused_sammy comm recently asked for prompts for an up coming event so I sent off a couple and basically this was one of them. Almost to the letter. (I know it seems weird that I request completely broken, hurt, abused Jared when I adore him so much. But there you go). I couldn't believe this already existed and I didn't know about it. But you gotta be into this scenario. It's a heartbreaking read (happy ending of course or I wouldn't have been able to read it). It's Mismanaged by macbyrne. *sob*

YAY! New episode soon!!! *dances*

pic, fic rec

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