Vidding, ep reactions, recs and other stuff...

Sep 30, 2010 16:22

First up... Yo dudes! I'm too cool for school! Yep! I'm vidding a rap song. Who'd a thought?! That's the joy of auction vids. Never know what ya gonna get. Fun... but holy crap, probably the fastest beat editing I've ever done... I might go a bit crazy in the process. *koff* well, more crazy.. :)

Episode reactions: I'm probably going to post regular reactions to SPN episodes this season. I started doing it last season and found that I enjoyed the interaction. Having said that I make a HUGE disclaimer that I may well change my mind to anything I might say as my immediate reaction because I'm completely open to having my mind changed by reading well thought out meta or any arguments or points any one else makes. That's what I love about fandom and my gorgeous flist. I love discussion. I can be talked around. I knew I couldn't make my mind up about that last episode and you all helped me see some things I didn't pick up on on first viewing (though there are some episodes that my mind cannot be turned around on *koff* swap meat *koff*.)

The last episode is a perfect example.

MY GOD! The meta on that episode has been awesome and I love that people can think in ways that I probably never will on any sort of immediate reaction. My immediate reaction was that I DID NOT WANT that to be really Sam. I wanted that to be possessed Sam, or something. But now. Now, I will be seriously disappointed if that wasn't Sam. It's makes so much sense that he would be like that. My love for Sam and that episode has increased 10 fold. And for Dean. God I love that man!

Art rec! by mini_shadow There are three works of art here. They are all wonderful, but Western Winchesters get me every time. *guh*

Fic rec! by standing_fic This. This is perfect and just so right. It's helped make sense of so much in the Supernatural universe over the lasy 5 seasons. *hearts* it so much. And John is perfect. <33

Meta rec!" by bardicvoice. This was rec'd to me and I have to pass it on. It makes SO much sense of 6.01. And it's one of the reasons for my change of heart toward this episode. It's absolutely terrific.

Change of topic..

I have now watched 2 episodes of Hawaii Five-0. And I LIKE!! Especially as wee!Sam made an appearance in the last one. How awesome is that child?! I'm totally warming to these characters. I'm loving the dynamic. And who can knock back some eye candy?! *g* But wow, Hawaii would be such a dangerous place to visit... (bit like Midsommer..)

Last thing. Just finished 3 seasons of The Sentinel. \o/ Can anyone point me in the direction of some gen h/c fics by any chance?

*hugs* I'm on holiday \o/, so I'm likely to spam you a bit over the next week or so.

meta rec, vidding, h50, fic rec, art rec, tv

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