Sep 28, 2005 14:54
x What is your first name?: Ashlee
x What is your middle name: Danielle
x What is your zodiac sign?: Gemini
/L/O/O/K/ /A/T/ /M/E/
x Whats your natural hair color?: red
x What is your current hair color?: red
x What color are your eyes?: Blue
x Piercings?: ears
x Tattoos?: none
x Long or Short Hair?:long
x Straight or Curly?: straight
x How tall are you?: 5'5
x Whats your shoe size?: 6.5 or 7
/C/U/R/R/E/N/T/L/Y/ W/E/A/R/I/N/G
x What shirt are you wearing?: Red shirt.
x What kind of shorts/pants are you wearing?: short with strawberries on them
x Socks?: white socks
x Underwear?:blue thong... uh oh
x Necklaces?: none
x Braclets?: not yet
x Mascara?: never
x Eyeliner?: never
x Any other make up?: nope
x Is your hair up or down?: down.. but it'll be up in a few mins when i start getting ready
/T/H/I/S/ O/R/ /T/H/A/T/
x Rock or Rap?: rap
x Coffee or Hot Cocoa?: hot cocoa
x Baseball or Softball?: baseball
x Wild Night out or Romantic Night?: Romantic Night
x Top or Bottom?: Top!
x Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla
x Hummer or Sports Car?: Sports Car--- RX-8 baby
x Guy or Girl?: I like guys... of course. haha
x Braclet or Necklace?: Necklace
x Pink or Purple?: pink
x History or Science?: science
x Sleep in or Early to rise?: sleep in
x Beach or Boardwalk?: beach
x Hoodie or T- Shirt?: hoodie!
x Night Or Day?: hmmm i like night
x Boxers or Briefs?: boxers
x White or Black?: depends on my mood...
x Jeans or Capris?:capris
x Love or Fun?: if you have the right person, the two are interchangeable!! love IS fun!
x California or Florida?: I wish I was in Cali right now, with my baby :( :( :(
x Simple Plan or Good Charlotte?: Simple Plan....."perfect" is such a good song.
x Tupac or Notorious B. I. G.?: 2pac.....hail mary!
x Love at first sight or Learn to Love?: hmm.....can you learn to love? love is something that grows, not that you can not exactly love at first sight.....but not learn to love. FALL in love is better......b/c that's what love is, it happens suddenly once you get to know the REAL person on the inside......
x Babe or Baby?: Baby
x This Or That?: This........
/H/A/V/E/ Y/O/U/ E/V/E/R/
x Kissed the opposite sex?: of course
x Hugged someone?: of course
x Been on the phone until the sun came up?: yeah i did that a few times in high school
x Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours? every night
x Mooned anyone?: not on purpose
x Laughed so hard you pissed in your pants?: nope
x Got chased by the police?: nope.
x Got in trouble with the police?: yes for speeding
x Got detention?: inope
x Went to Juvy?: nope
x Went streaking?: nope
x Crashed a party?: nope...
x Got Wasted?: ha. no comment.
x Cyber sex?: hmmmmm
x Slept past 4 in the afternooon?: nope
x Dumped someone?: yes..
x Got Dumped?: yes
x Rejected someone?: yeah
x Got rejected?: Yeah
x Skipped School?: a few times
/T/H/E/ L/A/S/T/
x Person you talked to in person?: my mom
x Person you talked to online?: Lawrence
x Person you talked to on the phone?: Lawrence
x Movie you saw in the theaters?: just like heaven
x Thing you ate?: pop tart
x Thing you drank?: grapico
x Time you laughed?: last night talking to my lawrence
xPerson you told you loved them?: lawrence
x Person who told you they loved you?: lawrence
x Do you like surveys?: im always up for a survey!
x What kind of shampoo do you use?: Garnier Fruitis
x Do you ever wonder what your life will be like 10 years down the road?: yeah i do....
x Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years?: hell no, im gonna have 2 beautiful children, and be a psychologist living in a HUGE house, married to the most amazing guy....
x Do you get along with your parents?: yes
x Are you old enough to vote?: yes
x Are you happy?: happier than i've ever been
x Are you sad?: sometimes, who isn't
x Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?: yes haha.
x Do you have a cell phone?: of course.
x Are you glad this is over?: yes, only because i need to get ready
1. Last thing you burned while attempting to cook?
pizza probably, but I never cook
2. Describe yourself in three words :
loyal, friendly, affectionate.
3. How long does it take you to get ready for your day?
depends, anywhere from 20 mins to an hour
4. Favorite place to blow $50?
Ross Store or Old Navy
5. How many people have you thought were "the one"?
in the past? I thought my ex was the one but I was sadly mistaken.... but I know the one I'm with now is the one .. no doubt in my mind.
6. What is something that turns you off from the opposite sex?
no sense of humor, bad teeth, and hairy
7. What kind of car do you drive?
00' Neon
8. What's in your CD player right now?
Keith Urban
9. What celebrity would you have coffee with?
Kevin Costner
10. What celebrity would you NOT have coffee with?
Martha Stewart hah
11. What kind of toothpaste do you use?
12. What time do you go to bed?
whenever I get tired.
13. Last movie you saw?
Just like Heaven
14. Last TV show you watched?
Live with Regis and Kelly
15. Who is your best friend?
Lawrence and Helena
16. Who in your family do you best get along with?
my mom and my sister
17. Who do you have a crush on?
18. What time is it right now?
11:02 am
19. Are you planning a vacation/travel?
I want too.
20. When/Where was the last time you traveled?
I went to my granny's in Alabama when Dennis came through
21. How many times have you been in love?
I thought I was in love in the past.... but being in love then felt nothing like it does now... so I don't think it was TRUE LOVE!
22. How old will you be in 10 years?
30... geez
23. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Married, hopefully 2 kids, living happily ever after
24. Sinful snacking weakness?
Reisen's candies
25. Rollercoasters?
nope, no way
26. Ever run out of gas?
27. Ever been on a train?
yes, when I was little
28. Ever been on a blind date?
yes, too many of them really
29. Ever been to Europe?
no, would be nice :)
30. What would you do if you could be the opposite sex for one day?
See if sex feels the same ... I'll stick with that answer too.
31. Would you tell anyone it was really you?
32. Ever been arrested?
33. Have a crush on anyone you work with?
Back when I worked at EREC.... ...
34. What is something you believe in?
Love, Family, myself, Lawrence
35. What is something you fear?
Loneliness, Unhappiness
36. Big or small?
what? i don't understand? big i think. i guess?
37. What is the worst physical or emotional pain you have ever experienced?
Physical: hmmm the other day i ran my ankle over with the buggy.. it hurt like hell...
Emotional: lChris. thats all I'm saying.. not getting into it.
38. What is your favorite television show?
Desperate Housewives and CSI
39. Ever photoshopped yourself to look better in a picture?
40. Tell us something about your childhood.
It was fun ;)
41. What would it cost for you to flash the person next to you?
If it was Lawrence, nothing.. haha. jk
42. Best time to catch you in a good mood?
After I get off work,.. or when i'm talking to lawrence
43. If you could be anything for one day, what would it be?
a dolphin, maybe
44. Most prized possession?
my car probably
45. Would you ever sell it/how much?
yeah, for a better one haha
46. What is one of your pet peeves?
people who try to ruin my happiness.
47. Favorite kind of ice cream?
Chocolate Chip cookie dough
48. Coolest thing that happened today?
Nothing cool has happened really.. I woke up???