always in my <3*

Nov 03, 2003 16:25

I believe high school changes people. It may be because we're getting older but somethings shouldn't change @ all. It's like something turns in everyone once the walk out of the school at the bottom of the Hill and into the one on top of the Hill. Some for good, some for the worse. I know I should be closer to a lot of my girls, but something has happened. Some of us have drifted apart and will never have the same relationship,others have grown to be best friends. I guess people and things are constantly changes and never will stop.

0fF tHe wAlL tHoUghTS(in the last 30 min.)!*

I wish William would get off work earlier.
I need to do my homework!
How many days till Christmas
I'm so hungry! Agggg!
What am I gonna do tomorrow?
"she got her hands down on her knees and then her bows on her thigh...."(enough of that song!)
I need to burn a cd for someone

Sunday--William called and woke me up & I got ready. We left around 2:30 or so to go to the movies. We ate at McDonalds before hand...(Bacon Ranch Salad *yum*) We saw the 4:45 Radio. Thats one on the BEST movies ever. It's so cute...&sad! After that we went to his house for a bit and the head back to mine. It was a *great* day!!

Today--Only 1st and 2nd block today! Woah! But it was my two hardest exams...algebra & history (but i think i did good on my history) I turned in pop tabs and *food*city* reciepts so hopeful I'll get a few extra points! After my history exams we tried to finsih watching Pearl HArbor...but thats one long movie! I've already started to cry and we are barley half way thru. Now I'm here....been here for quite awhile too! So i believe I'll get off here so I can get some grub!!

Love Ya*
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