Oliver Twist in 10 Minutes
[Once upon a time England sucked. Some would argue it still does, but those people don’t actually count as people, so, ignoring that… A baby named Oliver Twist was born. And his life REALLY sucked. Stuff happened and he went to work in a work house where he was starved, beaten, worked, and taken advantage of by his
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This was so funny and it brought back memories about when I saw Oliver! on stage when I was like 10!
And for referencing House and Sweeney and Kill Bill you win. I'd give you my first born again, but you already have him.
The Kill Bill thing was actually my lover KR. I was angry at the book for having Fagin plot to kill Bill and yelled at her over IM that 'NO ONE CAN KILL BILL!' and she responded with 'Uma can!' and it made my night. And my life.
My best friend is also House to my Wilson. It's kinda amazing, so she'll always be known as Greg to me now. Sorry, figured someone should know that.
Oh. Bonus points for the Delirium icon!
Stop being so awesome. Seriously.
I had a longer thing written up, but it went away, alas.
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