
Dec 10, 2011 03:16

Who: Turkey and Laurent
What: First meetings
When:3rd Day, afternoon.
Where: Freyr District, in front of Draupnir.
Rating: Worksafe

Insert something witty here )

turkey (sadık adnan), laurent

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turkishly December 10 2011, 02:24:22 UTC
[It had only been three days since his arrival and already Turkey had found himself getting used to the surroundings. When one was a nation, an empire, locating things geographically was something natural and this well--it was much smaller than the lands he had current come to preside over before he was brought to the different realm. While he had not moved outside the Freyr district much, it was currently the only place he had worry coming to know and Draupnir was beautiful on the outside. Walking through the streets with his arms crossed and tucked up inside his sleeves, he kept his masked gaze ever curious as he moved around the people there. Yet--his eyes came upon a face that seemed to be looking at the building, it caused him to pause and beneath his mask he arched an eyebrow.

It took only a moment before he stepped alongside the staring man and spoke.] Beautiful, isn't it?


aeterno_arma December 10 2011, 02:32:54 UTC
[Laurent liked to explore for the mere reason that he could never do it when he was a slave. Now, when he was in a new place, no matter if it was a big city or a small one, he tried to learn as much as he could about it. He didn't like to feel trapped and finding a escape route was always wise. He spent the morning in Baldr's district, but he started to get a strange feeling and abandoned it quickly. The feeling was different in Freyr's district, people looked at him differently.

Laurent was still not used to strangers talking to him, and he was startled when the masked man spoke.]Ah..y-yes. It is. I never saw anything like it before.


turkishly December 10 2011, 02:39:19 UTC
[Standing aside the other, he kept his arms crossed cross his chest and gloved hands hidden within his sleeves. With a small inhale and exhale he allowed his breath to catch the air before turning his gaze downward towards the other male. Vivid color lighted through past the facade of porcelain. It was a lovely district, that much was true but the others had their own beauty. He could enjoy the splendor of assumed luxury and the gods had it down in this realm.] The architecture is not what I am used t' but it can be appreciated!

I bet it's even lovelier inside.


aeterno_arma December 10 2011, 02:52:35 UTC
It's not like any sort of building I ever saw in my world, but theaters always gave architects plenty of room for creativity. [Those clothes reminded him of home. The were not quite like the ones he was used to see but very similar. Laurent wondered if the man was from his world as well. If he was, it could not be a good thing, but he seemed friendly so far.]

I can only wonder, sir. [He replied, with a shy smile.]


turkishly December 10 2011, 03:07:35 UTC
As it should be. Theaters are places of creativity are they not? [Dropping his arms to his sides, the fabric of his attire moved with the motion before he gestured to the building before them. The others own attire was similar in ways and he quietly wondered if he was part of his kingdom somehow but those questions where not ones to ask upon first meetings, these were conversations for later on.]

Well--let's not worry any longer! There is no sense in it. [The smile is returned but with much more of an apparent nature.]


aeterno_arma December 10 2011, 03:33:50 UTC
Yes. [The mask was new, though. Not many people used them in Carmadine unless it was carnival. He caught on the subtle offer, and blinked in confusion.] But I am not even from this district, sir.

[Laurent showed him the bracelet in his right wrist, the stone the color of Sigyn's. He wore many others bracelets, most of them handmade. They weren't expensive, but they were clearly made by someone that knew how to work with different materials to create something unique.]


turkishly December 10 2011, 03:41:10 UTC
Not from this district? Well then! How dare you. [There was a small laugh on his back as he reached out and slid a finger along one of the bracelets the other wore upon his wrists, the smile on his face still persisting. Pulling his hand away he gestured again to the building, his voice and posture lighthearted which was something that he was known for until he had to act. He was a being of id and he was proud of himself in this moment--at least from the moment he came from.]

You should be from this district if anything--those are lovely t' behold and finely crafted. Now--we can take the steps with me or I can leave yah behind.


aeterno_arma December 10 2011, 03:50:24 UTC
[Laurent nearly flinched at the the touch, but he managed to control himself in time. He was used to other sort of harsh touches and old habits die hard.]

Thank you, sir. I made them myself. [The man didn't look threatening so far but Laurent knew better than trust looks. However, he really wanted to see the theater.] Hm...[He bit his lower lip before to reply.] Might I ask your name first?


turkishly December 10 2011, 04:13:12 UTC
[He was a nation that was not afraid of personal space, he often invaded it without question as it was obvious thus far. Still, when the other admitted to creating the pieces of jewelry, he placed his hands on his hips, a small tilt to his head since body-language was everything in such attire.] Did yah now? Well hell, that's quite a talent! Civilians would pay nicely for such fine goods.

[There is a small pause as he listens to the other, watching him bite his bottom lip.] Well let's see, no one's really asked for m' name yet but I have many. Would you like formal or informal?


aeterno_arma December 10 2011, 20:06:43 UTC
[Laurent knew a lot of people that delighted in making him feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, he even met one of those here if Kaz was anything to go by, but the man didn't seem mean. He wondered what might be in store for him next, but, strangely, he discovered that he wasn't too worried. Despite the man being a complete stranger, there was something, a general friendliness about him that was reassuring. Laurent gave him a polite smile, and but time it reached his eyes.]

I like to make jewels with all sort of things but I never expected anybody to be interested in them. I like sewing as well, I did it for years. [And he could tell that the man's clothes were made with care and dedication too, it shown.] What name you like the most?


turkishly December 10 2011, 20:35:36 UTC
[People were all different in their own way and had their own histories. From living for so long, Turkey knew this and he knew that the other likely had his own story but he was kind, sweet in a way if not a little shy but figures like Turkey enjoyed taking people out of their comfort zone and enjoyed getting to know alternative sides. Who knew what the future held but right now he was enjoying the others company immensely and it was something that he would want to continue to do, that much was obvious in his posture and the grin upon his lips.] How could yah expect that? Don't people like the finer things in life? I think they're really well done, but that's just m' opinion after all.

[There is a pause as he taps his chin with his index finder.] How about we just go with Türkiye? Yes--let's go with that! I'm Türkiye.


aeterno_arma December 10 2011, 21:42:17 UTC
I like that opinion, no one ever cared about it before. I could make you one just for you if you wanted.

[Laurent bowed slightly.] Nice to meet you Türkiye, I'm Laurent. You belong to this district?


turkishly December 10 2011, 22:47:13 UTC
A gift? Well then--I'm not opposed t' wearin' something so beautiful upon my wrist. Perhaps we could think of an exchange as I could always find something to give you in turn.

[At the bow there is a quirk to that grin and in turn he gives the other one, something lavish and graceful.] Laurent, the pleasure is all mine. As for the district yes--I suppose I will be callin' it home for awhile.

And you? Where is home for you?


aeterno_arma December 10 2011, 22:59:27 UTC
[Laurent blushed slightly.] I don't need anything in return, really. What are your favorite colors?

[He looks around for a brief second, thinking. Home....did he ever had one?If he did, it was so long ago that it didn't matter anymore.] I come from a world called Carmadine. But I have no place to call home, I traveled all my life since I was a kid.


turkishly December 10 2011, 23:16:35 UTC
Oh, please. I would be happy t' think of something that would fit you. Hell--I'm wearin' enough scarfs. My favorite colors though? Hmm--warm colors! Yah know, reds and oranges. [He tugged at one upon his attire and then let it fall back into place before crossing his arms across his chest once more, folding his hands inside the large sleeves. Quietly he listened to what the other had to say.]

Carmadine? Can't say it's familiar t' my ears but travelling? Sometime's it's best t' live on your feet, you never know what you'll run into. Make's life more exciting.


aeterno_arma December 11 2011, 00:52:19 UTC
Oh..okay then, sir. [Well if he insisted he was not going to reject a present. That won't be polite. Laurent was so not used to people being nice to him, it was so strange.] Those colors look good on you.

I asked other citizens, but no one seems to have heard of it. I...worked for the circus. [He went' for 'worked', it was easy to explain what he did that way.] We were always moving around.


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