Trollin in town [OPEN]

Dec 08, 2011 20:00

What: Testing out Body Control on people/citizens
When: Day 3, morning
Where: Sigyn District
Rating: Worksafe

[ Besides mugging certain songspieler Kaz has discovered another hobby in which he can set misery upon others. It's not nearly as effective at getting him anything to fill his pockets with (in fact it isn't at all), but it's funny as hell for him.

Really, he thought those Gods and everyone who went on about them was ether nuts or high off their rocker--but wouldn't you know it, they've actually got powers here. Sure he can't climb walls or spit spider silk in people's faces anymore, but he can do something even better than that now. He can make people smack themselves.

Sure it doesn't work every time and the first time he did it was by complete accident, and he still has to focus really hard to make it work BUT HE CAN MAKE PEOPLE MOVE. Who knew Hel wasn't just some crazy creeper-stalker?

So that's what he's doing in the Sigyn District right now, sitting on top of one of the lower walls and pointing at the people he targets while he tries to figure this all out. It could be a local or it could just be a visitor just not paying attention but he is so doing this for as long as he can get away with it. ]

[ ooc; prose or action brackets is fine kjsdghsk I JUST WASN'T SURE HOW I OUGHT TO WRITE THIS... ]

rarity, laurent, kaz, legault

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