It seems that there are still a lot of new arrivals showing up!
And, of course, most of them are very confused.
I thought it might be helpful to create a sort of guide, including information on the patron gods of each house, as well as the different races that have b33n brought here.
It would certainly cut down on the number of "you have horns!" comments.
The maid in the castle gives us basic information, but she is very tight-lipped on some topics.
A human named Sam offered to help me with information on humans and the god of each house, but that leaves all of the other species to be covered!
So, could you tell me a little about your people?
A bit about the world you come from would be nice, too, as it s33ms humans live on multiple planets, not just Earth!
Also, I was wondering if certain powers have b33n restricted to certain houses, so if you could tell me what house you are in and what power you have b33n given, it would be very much appreciated.