Dec 16, 2011 17:56

ok ii guess a2 iinterface2 go thii2 one ii2 le22 2ub2tantiially terrible than iit could have been.
not much room for adju2tiing iit out of my face but whatever ii can ju2t 2quiint or 2traiin two make iit more bearable.
but ii am ju2t countiing down two the moment where 2omebody 2crew2 thii2 up and come2 runniing two me two fiix iit de2piite the menu beiing riight there where everyone can 2ee.
like 2omebody nubbyhorned and completely awful iin every way.
iif 2omebody liike that ii2 here ii mean.
or 2omebody who know2 2aiid complete and utter faiilure at coding who frequently ha2 2iimiilar problem2 wiith thii2 kiind of thiing, ii gue22 ii could help.
maybe 2omebody who ha2 a thiing about fii2h pun2.
...no, fuck iit, ii am not goiing two bother lii2tiing everybody, you know who you are.

[Translation: Ok I guess as interfaces go this one is less substantially terrible than it could have been.
Not much room for adjusting it out of my face but whatever I can just squint or strain to make it more bearable.
But I am just counting down to the moment where somebody screws this up and comes running to me to fix it despite the menu being right there were everyone can see.
like somebody nubbyhorned and completely awful in every way.
if somebody like that is here I mean.
Or somebody who knows said complete and utter failure at coding who frequently has similar problems with this kind of thing, I guess I could help.
Maybe somebody who has a thing about fish puns.
...no, fuck it, I am not going to bother listing everybody, you know who you are.]

re: karkat vantas, re: kon shinonome, re: terezi pyrope, re: nicolas brown, re: kazuko kawakami, re: trucy wright, re: namine, re: feferi peixes, sollux captor, re: vriska serket, re: allen abaddonia, re: ranka lee, re: the disciple

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