Title: De Novo [1-4/4]
asfaloth_ (
Lothiriel at insanejournal)
Pairing: Draco/Harry
Rating/Warnings: NC-17, Discussion of rape
Word Count: 26,685
Summary/AN: Harry and Draco are given a crime to solve - and an opportunity to begin again. Originally written for the
hds_beltane exchange.
bewarethesmirk asked for: Snarry or H/D, no threesomes, but with all three involved in the plot. Character development, UST, jealousy, and various levels of relationship angst - with a side of wallsex, desperate sex, rimming, frotting, Details, and Dirtytalk. Further suggestions included: 1) Draco thinks Harry is straight, 2) A date, with awkwardness and all, and 3) clubbing. I think I got most of it!
Disclaimer: I lay no claim to JKR’s characters nor universe. I’m just playing with them until I grow up. =) All hail my lovely beta,
dreamlittleyo, who was dragged bodily from the Supernatural universe and held hostage for my story.
De Novo: Part 1 of 4 (fake cut to insanejournal))