(no subject)

Oct 08, 2004 14:27

Who wants to begin a UCCF with me? I'm not sure how many U_CFs there are...but I know what the horseshit UNCF is.... United Negro College Fund.
What the fuck.
I want to take this opportunity to say that I am not a racist in any shape or form...I think affirmative action is a good thing, because there are racist bastards in the world still today who would NOT hire somneone based on racial ethnicity.
HOWEVER, the UNCF is total crap.
I, like many people I know, had to fund my own education. This sucked entirely because I got a mixture of need based and scholastic scholarships. Cool. Except for the fact that I still had to pay $20,000 a year on top of my scholarships...
I knew quite a few black people that I went to college with, and I could not tell you one of them that paid for ANY part of their education. None of it. Not a dime? Why? Because they have a year round tan and I don't...

What should any person get fincancial aide based on their heritage? thats crap. Ok- if some old black dude wants to start a scholarship, and make it only available to black people- whatever - thats his own racist bastard choice....
but, however, for the federal government to say that a black person is more deserving of financial aide than my broke white ass is total horseshit.

What about poor, underpriveleged minorites that cant afford school? Well- they can get right in line where I was standing for poor, underpriveleged white people.
I think Need based aide has total merrit. Why should someone born of privelege have a better shot at going to school than one who did not? It just evens the playing fields.
And then there is the scholarship section rewarding those who are studious. Good job, thats cool too.

BUT why should someone just get money- not based on how much they can afford, not based on any scholastic achievement....just based on the fact that they look better in neon colors.

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