A Tour of Arthur's Room

Apr 08, 2018 15:55

Beginning as we walk through the main doors from the corridor, to our right we will see some kind of large chest. This chest probably stores things, but is mainly used by Merlin to hide things while "cleaning" Arthur's chambers. Past the chest is the fireplace, which provides heat and a place to brood with thoughtful forelighting. On the other side of the fireplace is a rack of weapons, none of which (luckily) is used to maim Merlin with. Continuing around the room, we find another brooding spot in a large window. Accompanying the window is a lute. Who plays the lute? Definitely Arthur. He's like that hipster guitar player on open mic night who self-writes songs about his feelings. In the middle of the room is a long dining/strategy table. The number of chair around this table varies depending on how anti-social Arthur is feeling that day apparently, but has been found to be anywhere from one to six. Where do these chairs go when not in use? Who knows.

Proceeding through the outer of the two arches, be careful no to stub your toe on Arthur's bathtub, thoughtful filled via magic hard work by Merlin far more often than 99% of people in medieval times ever did. Just north of that is the changing screen, which is just close enough to the bed for Arthur to grab a pillow to cover his nakedness when it is surprisingly his girlfriend in the room and not his boyfriend. On each side of the four poster bed are two nightstands (neither of which is infested with wormwood, don't worry), and at the foot of the bed is a footstool storage container. Next is a random chair, which I assume is there to allow for maximum bedside handholding during the multitude of convalescing done by these two boys who are constantly getting sick and/or injured. Then there is Arthur's desk, also useful for brooding, but mainly for Merlin to write exceptionally long speeches on harness polishing. Behind the desk is another large window, perfectly placed to allow for a gentle awakening to the morning light. Along the inner wall is the door to the servant's stairs, which are very useful for secretly visiting your boyfriend escaping when someone accuses you of stealing their seal. Next are two wardrobes, one on either side of the inner archway.

Decorating the entire room are a variety of animal heads, all of which were probably killed by Arthur without assistance by his clumsy noisy servant. But that's just because Merlin saw Bambi as a child and never got over it (me neither).

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