[ficlet][oneshot] Fortelling

Apr 19, 2008 23:38

Title: Foretelling
Fandom: Tokyo Babylon
Characters/Pairings: Subaru, Seishirou
Genre: Gen
Words: 301
Rating: G
Notes: Another "I am drinking and must write" drabble-ficlet-thing. Prompt from emudii, and it's my first TB fic ever. Wah. Prompt was "driving".

The lights from Tokyo flickered as they drove along the highway, approaching the city from the south. Subaru leaned on his hand, watching his own reflection and the lights as Seishirou kept pace with the incoming traffic. Seishirou had taken the on-ramp to the bridge, changing Subaru's view.

"Seishirou-san," he murmured softly against his glove as he looked out between Tokyo proper and Odaiba. "Do you ever feel like you're in the right place at the wrong time?"

He really didn't mean anything by the question, but somehow had felt compelled to ask it. It was always a possibility, karma and reciprocity being the way they were. Subaru had learned long ago to expect the hand of fate in everything. His cheeks colored slightly as he glanced over toward the older man. It was fate he'd met Seishirou, after all, though he didn't know if he knew it, too.

Behind his glasses, those amazing golden-brown eyes danced with the lights of the cars driving past. "Who can say, Subaru-kun," was the reply. "Can we ever really know where we'll be in the future?"

Blushing harder, Subaru pulled down the brim of his hat. "I... I suppose not." He bit his lip. "B... but, is it wrong to hope we'll be here again, some day?"

The veterinarian's van sped up as the older man wove in between traffic. "If your sister were here," Seishirou said softly, eyes still on the road. "She would read quite a lot into that question..."

A strangled yelp accompanied Subaru's hands covering his face. "Mou, Seishirou-san!!"

Still, a strange, not unpleasant thrill tripped down his back as the older man laughed. "I'll always be with you, Subaru-kun." Seishirou took the exit that led to his office as he replied. "You don't have to worry about a thing."

gift-fic, fandom: tokyo babylon, ficlet

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