Title: The Trouble with Pack-Rats
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou!
Characters/Pairings: Yuuri/Murata, one-sided Shinou/Murata; Ulrike, Conrad, and Gisela
Genre: FluffyCracky with a smidge of angst (and I do mean a smidge)
Words: 2414
Notes: Haven't written Yuuri/Murata in a while; feels good to play with them again. I have no excuses for this, but once
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The precaution made him feel better, but it wasn't needed. They arrived at the door to Murata's bedroom without any trouble. Yuuri locked the door once inside, and leaned heavily against it. Eventually, he slid down and sat on the floor with a sigh. Murata bumped his nose against Yuuri's cheek and let out a little sound that, had he still been acting like a person, might have been an inquiring one. Yuuri waved him away. "Shhh, I've gotta think."
Murata sat back on his heels for a moment, then padded away to examine the room. Yuuri hoped he wouldn't get into anything important while he wasn't able to know it was important, and let his head fall back against the door. He stared up at the ceiling and worried on his bottom lip. Someone had to know if the powder's effects were long-lasting... he refused to believe that they might be permanent.
A scrabbling noise caught his attention, and he looked down quickly. "Murata, what..."
His only response more of the same sound. Then, Murata popped out from behind a heavy curtain with a paper ball in his mouth. Yuuri felt a tic form below his eye. "... the hell?"
Murata dropped the ball, eyed it, then proceeded to bat at it, sending it rolling across the room. To Yuuri's half-horror, half-amusement, he then proceeded to chase it.
"He is going to have difficulty walking, come the morning."
Yuuri yelped as the Shinou appeared out of absolutely nowhere. "Don't do that!"
The spirit ignored him, watching the other teen pounce on the paper ball and begin to happily shred it with his fingers. Yuuri rubbed the back of his neck and wondered how on earth he was going to deal with this. "Um, thank you," he said as he glanced up at the Shinou's shade. "For getting everyone out of the way. How did you do it?"
Blue eyes turned on him very slowly, their positions making it even easier for the spirit to assume that unbelievably irritating superior air. "I simply summoned all my attendants to the inner sanctum." He glanced back at Murata. "Unlike some people, my subjects actually obey when I address them."
"..." Yuuri had to forcibly remind himself that the man had done him a favor and that it was not appropriate to begin to tell him what a pompous jerk he was. "Lucky you."
The Shinou smirked. "Indeed. I rewarded them by reciting a poem I composed about my Sage, back in the day. Though it certainly could apply now, as well."
Yuuri glanced at "his" Sage, who was currently chewing on a section of the paper that had not already been turned into confetti. "Right now?"
"Well... perhaps not. Though true love is one which ignores petty imperfections at any given time, and which can show astonishing flexibility."
Murata accidentally swallowed a bit of paper and started coughing. Yuuri felt the tic get worse.
"... right."
*dies of cuteness*
That is the most adorable image EVER!!!!!!
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