Hah, yep, that song actually occurred to me while I was writing this post.
I live in a suburb of Massachusetts, though I'm paranoid about going into more detail than that because of crazy internet stalkers and shit. (...Queue up the Police's crazy stalker song...)
Don't stand so close to me..."
Gotta love the Police.
See you at the wedding (yes, I invited myself... where do you live, anyway :P )
I live in a suburb of Massachusetts, though I'm paranoid about going into more detail than that because of crazy internet stalkers and shit. (...Queue up the Police's crazy stalker song...)
How about you?
I live in Bangladesh currently, although I'm totally Canadian at heart ;)
I must have missed that Police-crazy-stalker-song :P
The song is "Every Breath You Take"! Have you ever LISTENED to those lyrics?
When we chat online, remind me to tell you a story about that song.
So totally Canadian :P
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