Aug 27, 2011 20:07
This week started out fairly normal. I suppose normal is relative in any case, but this one was very normal.
Sunday normal breakfast with mom while dad goes to the firehouse, we get to talking about food, I ask about brisket. Long story short no sooner are we done with the conversation then my grandmother calls and so I ask about her brisket and she invites me over for cooking lessons.
Monday Totally normal and boring
Tuesday: Cooking lessons with Grandma! I show up nice and early all ready to go complete with an apron. We start getting to work in the kitchen, I promptly slice my finger open quick bandaging break and its back to work. We slave all day (and for those who actually know how to make brisket know just how long it takes….I had my kindle.) And what happens, well I felt this vibration and thought it was the road work up in front. Yea few minutes later mother is on the phone asking about the earthquake. Ha. My cooking lesson day was excellent.
Wednesday: Museum day, really nothing to terribly exciting except a trip to another part of the building.
Thursday: Last day of the internship! (A very very sad day, I still felt like I had purpose to my life while I was there) Oh and what’s this? they’re going to shut down the city transportation? Joking right? Yea not.
Friday: At the club, worked out, now in major killer pain, but hey the price of beauty and slimness, and of course the mad dash out of the city in case anyone decide to evacuate early. Back home and to the boat to secure it for the storm.
“Dad what’s the worse case scenario? It ends up on the street?”
“Yea, ending up on the street would be fine, damaging but fine, worst case scenario it sinks.”
“Oh. Want some more duck tape?”
Now before I get crap that I don’t know what I’m doing, I’ve weathered multiple hurricanes and tropical storms and depressions with a boat and not one of them has sank.
Saturday: The day before Hurricane Irene….what did I do while the governors and mayors are telling everyone to get off the water and away from the beach. I went sailing, on a tail ship. Well a schooner classified as a tall ship. Yes. It was wonderful. My job? Help to bring it to safety behind the hurricane gate! After a bit of a trip in which the rain did not hold out and dumped on us we arrived behind the hurricane gate, much to the displeasure of the locals. One local in particular who I might have entertained non pleasant thoughts of, but really he’s yelling at us to that we’re endangering boats? You have two flimsy loose lines holding your boat to the dock. Yea that’s going to hold. Not.
After getting off the boat it was back home to prep the other part, with dad being a Fire Chief, we’re used to weathering storms on our own. We sent him off with smiles and teases (he nearly forgot to wish my mother (his wife of nearly thirty years) happy anniversary. Yea, that’s tomorrow.) and he left in his big red truck. Now it is just us, listening to the rain and the wind as it begins to pick up. The dog is lying on my feet. He doesn’t like to go out in the rain.
And of course there’s my edits for my thesis. But gee…there’s a hurricane coming, there’s got to be some window to tape.