Carmelo had a great meme! You all should do it too! You are supposed to fill in the template with things that have happened in your life :3
1. "300 for a doll?" this is my boyfriend wigging out when I told him it was 300...well it is a bit dramatized but he was still shocked.
2. My sheer determination to make 300 dollars..I wanted to make money any way I could...So lately I have sold books and have people contribute to my cause.
3. I almost died when I found out my net-book was dying. Weirdly enough my bf literally just touched it and it started to work. >.> tech nerds have mysterious powers...
4. This is my every day school live...teacher says random crap..and I die a little inside each time LOL
5. My sister did the weirdest thing today. She and I were logged on my messenger at different we were talking to people together...she was like a parasite and she said she was my tumor...cause we do hang out a lot together.
6. Today I ordered my dolls wig and clothes ( I am freaking excited to get my doll...I pretty much have the money now..I just have to deposit it.)
7. I am trying to get back into shape...and therefore am cutting my sweets intake...and trying to work out >.>
8. LOL I didn't know what else to put...and wow...its kinda a bad drawing lolol...yeh...I am sailor moon LOLOLOL
<3 Asenva