Looking for Silver Lining

May 13, 2010 22:39

 Ok so first and foremost, thank you everyone for your words of encouragement!  I love you all and you peeps are the best ever!

I am trying to calm myself and not go crazy over these mishaps currently going on with my school.  My boyfriend tells me that every cloud has a silver lining, and I continue to look for them every day lol.  Soooooooo without getting into too much of a emo/rant post.....I am trying to get some grades changed because if I don't...I can't go into student teaching next semester.  This truly kills me but I am talking the dean and such to try and get things sorted out.  In the mean time, I am trying to do things to keep it off my mind...and also so I don't over stress myself on it.

So therefore in other news....I have been looking further and further into getting my new doll.  I just found out that the place I want to buy her off of...may actually only sell her single jointed :C  but I emailed the peeps and asked them if I could buy the double jointed body for an extra fee :D....hopefully they say yes because I reallllllllllllly like her.

I haven't been able to sew anything lately because my mom has been working at these flower arrangements for my cousin's wedding.  She is taking up the whole table that I usually work at...so I have to be patient and wait for her to finish her work.  I really want to continue sewing because I want to play with the costume already.  I also did order my wig...and that may not come in for a while either...and as a apology from the company they are sending me some hair extensions XD

Today I also went out with little sister to look for stuff and we stopped by a target...we played with the infamous Cat Keyboard and probably got stares since we were playing chopsticks while it mewed each note lol.

*sigh* welllllllllllllll I think I shall go and draw something........I need to feel productive :3

Hope you all are doing fantastic <3

<3 Asenva

target, school, stress, dollzone lotus, bjd, kai

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