random stuff...

Nov 19, 2005 16:47

cool places we've been to thus far for international orgs. class:

on wednesday, i went to the press release of a new report by the World Bank and IMO on issues concerning migrant workers and remittances.. definitely was cool, and i knew a lot of the technical econ terms and concepts, thanks to Prof. Gallagher's international econ class from last semester. without that class, i think i would have been lost.. really lost. i have a pamphlet and a cool name tag from it too!

congrats to kim!! she got into georgetown law!!!!!!!! i had no doubts about her getting in.. the girl is too smart and experienced to not have gotten in, and it would have been their loss to have turned her down. she also got a hand-written note from the dean, telling her that he looks forward to meeting her and that he looks forward to seeing her mediation and mock trial skills put to use at georgetown! how cool is that! i want a hand-written note from the dean of georgetown law too!!! haha. i am also proud to say that she trusted me enough to edit her personal statement, and i am honored to have done it for her.

today, kim and i will be booking our hotel for amsterdam... so excited!

alright, i'm off to cook. i'm cooking an italian dinner for everyone tonight... eggplant parm, pasta, salad, italian style lentils, and wine, and kim's getting dessert right now.. not sure what it will be, but she promised to go along with the italian theme!
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